Different Types of Roofs and How Long They Last

Picture this. You have just moved to your new home after either building it or buying it already completed and you are placing the last picture from the boxes on the wall and finally finishing the unpacking process. The picture will, however, need to be nailed in, so you take the hammer and start the process.
The moment you begin, though, you notice some dust falling from your ceilings. With your next swing, you feel as if something is shaking above your head and you hear some unusual noises. That’s when you realize that you are one swing away from your whole roof collapsing.
Okay, okay, this is definitely a wide exaggeration. But, hey, I needed to do something to remind you of the importance of having a great quality roof over your head. And, to be perfectly honest, the scenario I have described isn’t completely impossible. There might be a universe where that could happen.
Your roof collapsing while you are trying to hang a picture on your wall might be an exaggeration, but the truth is that this construction can easily get damaged over time. Neither the sun nor the rain are really friendly towards the structure over your head. And, don’t even get me started on snow and some other weather elements.
This is why the type of the roof you have is of extreme importance. Not every single material will be able to withstand the weather elements and last for a long time, which is why you need to think about the longevity of those materials when making your choice. If you take a look at this website, you’ll be able to compare the longevity of certain materials and thus make a wise choice when the time comes to either put a roof on your new home or change the one you have on your existing building.
If you really want to make an informed decision, then you will have to get properly acquainted with some of the most common types of roofs and get the information you need in order to figure out how long those will last. There are quite a lot of material types to take into account, so it would be a shame for you not to learn about any of those and just randomly choose the first one you come across. So, let us get started with the learning process.
Asphalt Shingles
Asphalt shingles are definitely one of the most commonly used roofing materials, so you should definitely keep it in mind. This particular type is popular not only because it is extremely affordable, but also because it is highly durable. Asphalt shingles are made from fiberglass and asphalt sealant and they are capable of protecting your structure against heavy rain, snow, as well as harsh UV rays, which is certainly a huge plus.
These types of constructions can last anywhere between 15 and 30 years, but that depends on more factors than just the material. Among other things, the weather plays a crucial role in their longevity. These aren’t exactly suitable for areas in which there are extreme changes in temperatures. So, keep that in mind when doing your shopping.
If you are interested in choosing roofing designs right away, here are some tips that might come in handy: https://www.roofpedia.com/roof-types/
In case you are looking for something that will last even longer, then you might want to think about metal roofing. Of course, keep in mind that the actual type of metal you choose will play a significant role in the longevity of the construction. In general, though, these can last between 40 and over a 100 years, which is certainly something to be amazed with.
If you want it to last over a hundred years, then you will need to use some premium metals such as copper and zinc. It goes without saying that these are a bit on the expensive side, but if longevity is your goal, than the price will definitely be worth it. After all, you are investing in something long-term, meaning that you should be ready to pay a bit more in order to get the quality you want and deserve.
Wood Shakes And Shingles
This is definitely the type of material that will be breathtaking and will look amazing on your home. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that it will only last a couple of years. It can, in fact, last for decades, but there is a catch. If you want this roof to last, you will have to perform regular maintenance. That also includes cleaning, because these can fairly easily stain.
Unsurprisingly, the type of wood you will use will have a say in the actual longevity of the whole construction. For instance, cedar shakes will last much longer than any other wooden shingles. This is because cedar is resistant not only to rot, but also to insects. The fact that cedar can withstand extremely powerful winds makes this material perfect for coastal roofing constructions.
Clay Tile
Clay tile roofs are also a rather popular choice and that, of course, has to do with their durability. These are known to last anywhere between 50 and 100 years and a lot of manufacturers offer warranties between 30 years and a lifetime. Care to guess why their life-expectancy is so long? The answer is rather simple and not at all surprising when you take a close look at this material.
Basically, clay tiles are resistant to weather, rot and even fire. As you might have guessed it, though, in order to make these last long, you will need to properly maintain and clean them every now and then, so as to avoid the buildup of algae, mold and moss. If you do clean this construction regularly, you’ll probably never have to change your roof.
Factors Determining Longevity
In order to really determine how long roofs last, though, you will have to take more factors into consideration, together with the materials. It should go without saying that materials are one of the most important elements, but the thing is that some other aspects play a huge role here. Let us quickly check which aspects I am actually referring to.
For starters, there’s the question of the quality of installation. This, naturally, depends on the company you hire to do the work for you. After all, if you hire some amateurs that don’t know what they are doing, you are highly likely to watch your whole roof get damaged after a short while. That will, consequently, lead to you needing repairs or complete reinstallation, which is definitely costly and should be avoided. So, make sure to choose the people doing this work wisely and don’t rush into making any uninformed decisions.
In addition to that, you’ll need to think of the quality of the specific materials, since simply going for metal, for example, won’t mean anything unless you choose high quality metals. The same goes for any other types of materials. Of course, don’t forget to make this choice in accordance with the actual weather conditions in your area, since that is something that will certainly influence the longevity of your roof construction.