Curry Leaves: The Simple Yet Magical Ingredient of Every Kitchen

Curry Leaves: The Simple Yet Magical Ingredient of Every Kitchen

The curry leaf is a signature herb from Southern India with a sharp point and glossy, vibrant, and green coating. While it does not provide a dominant taste in cooking, it delivers an unmistakable subtle flavour that gives meals a richer and robust flavour. Today, it kindles the food affections of people all over the world. Now, contrary to the name, curry leaves are not related to curry powder. They don’t smell of curry, but rather have a lovely, clear, and distinct aroma of their own. Here are a few exciting facts about this amazing herb.


Get Started With the Curry Leaf


You will not find the same dominating flavour of pungent spices like mustard and cumin in a curry leaf. Much like the bay leaf, they add a background flavour to curries, dals, rasam, and other forms of Indian cooking. However, they differ from bay leaves in that, they are very much edible and need not be removed.


If you are looking to get curry leaves for your next cooking session, remember to use them for the most popular cooking technique in India – Tadka. This is where the leaves are crushed and cooked in oil along with mustard seeds and cumin. You can even add in a pinch of asafoetida to create a beautiful pairing. Tadka can be added either at the beginning or at the end of a cooking process. Wait. Did you think Tadka is something that is exclusive to Indian dishes? Well, don’t hesitate to conduct some Tadka experiments on non-Indian dishes as well.


Recipes that Get Extra Flavours with Curry Leaves


Chillies, stews, and Italian sauces taste exceptionally delicious when coupled with Tadka. This cooked form of curry leaf makes an excellent finishing for dishes.


Dahl is the other famous dish that makes exclusive use of curry leaves. This pulse-based Indian stew is topped up with fresh curry leaves, Kashmiri chilli and mustard seeds for boosting the flavours. Other tangy lentils will also benefit from these leaves that are thrown into the cooking pot along with rice and subtle spices.


Rasam is a tangy south Indian soup that embraces these leaves, along with having strong notes of tamarind. Don’t forget to include fenugreek, asafoetida and mustard seeds when you get curry leaves for adding it to Rasam. Now, as the name suggests, these leaves can also be used to prepare curries. Here, it is used as an ingredient in making the masala paste.


But curry leaf is not limited to South Indian Curries. It finds its use in many of the South African and Malaysian dishes for its unique flavour delivery. The leaves also pair well with coconut milk, ginger, onion, garlic, chilli peppers, pea shoots, oyster sauce, pork, fish, and eggplant. Now, do you want to know about some fun ways to use these leaves? Add them to tofu scrambles, rice dishes, stir-fries, and more – the aroma and taste are simply irresistible.


Why Should You Include This Green Wonder In Your Diet?


For Its High Nutrient Content


Curry leaf is a powerhouse of essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium, minerals, Vitamins, and iron. The leaf is rich in carbazole alkaloids that are loaded with insecticidal and antimicrobial properties. These constituents help to improve the metabolism of various fats, proteins, and sugar. These leaves contain zero fat and hence are the integral components of weight loss programs. So, don’t forget to include these leaves for enhancing the overall metabolism of the system. 


For Better Digestion


Curry leaf helps in improving the digestive process by reducing flatulence. It also possesses laxative properties that facilitate a smooth outflow of body waste. These leaves have been an integral part of ancient natural and organic medicines. 


For Thick and Healthy Hair


Thanks to the rich nutrient content, curry leaf delays the greying of hair. It is also known to be effective for repairing damaged, limp, and thin hair. These leaves add more bounce to limping hair and strengthen the hair shaft. Dandruff and hair fall are notably reduced upon its regular usage. What’s more, you can either apply these leaves directly on your scalp or eat it directly for alleviating your hair woes. 


Tips to Find and Store Curry Leaves


Curry leaf can be used either as a part of spice mixes or as a fresh seasoning. Nevertheless, fresher leaves provide more intense flavours to your seasoning or mix. Fresh leaves tend to have a darker shade of green and crisp. Leaves are usually separated from the stem for cooking purposes.


Now, most recipes require only a few springs of these leaves. How can you store them for continued freshness? Store them in a pouch or wrap them using damp paper towels. Storing them in the freezer is perhaps the easiest way you can adopt. Wrap them up using a paper towel and use heavy-duty freezer bags for storing these leaves.


A commonly available herb like the curry leaf holds answers to solving some of the complex health problems. Easy to use and great to taste, it is a must-to-have ingredient in your kitchen cabinet. 


Author Bio:


Ashly William is a professional blogger and a passionate writer. A regular contributor to various websites and publications, she has garnered a lot of experience by writing content around multiple niches. She has even written unique content related to get curry leaves. No matter what, she enjoys writing and sharing this with others who wish to enter the allied field.