Creative Casual Wedding Ideas for Having a Memorable Day

Creative Casual Wedding Ideas for Having a Memorable Day

Your wedding is the day on which you are celebrating your love, a day on which you will create so many beautiful memories. Although traditional weddings are in some families a norm that must be followed, nowadays many people opt for casual weddings. It is becoming more and more popular not to have a fancy black-tie wedding. Instead, people go for creating a wedding with beautiful solid, floral backdrops that celebrates love and doesn’t have a strict fancy dress code. If you are one of those people keep reading to figure out how you can have a creative casual wedding.


·         Send a Digital Invite


The perk of living in a digital age is that you don’t have to go through the pain of handwriting and sending invitations one by one. Sending your guests a digital invite is a great way to spice things up and let them know that is gonna be a casual wedding. It is also great if you are a couple that is eco-conscious because you are not using any paper of gas to deliver it. You can have just as nice of an invitation it’s just in a digital form. If you want you can even hire a professional that will design the invitation for you. Instead of printing it, send it via email. If your guests want to print out they can do it by themselves.


·         Make a Fun Personal Signage


There is no better way to incorporate both you and your partner’s personal tough than creating personal signage. It can be something like monogrammed initials, fun table settings or any signs that you will put around your ceremony. You can personalise it based on the theme of your wedding or putting it around to spice things up.


·         Plan a Relaxing Ceremony


As we all know the most important part of your wedding is the ceremony. Instead of having the fancy stuck-up setting when saying the two magic words opt for a more casual setting. The most important part of that is picking the venue to match the setting that you want. Try to decorate with elements that go with the theme of the venue. The simpler the better. The most important thing is that people are comfortable and that the space is cozy.


·         Set Up a Playful Table Setting


If you are planning on hosting a casual wedding the best way to do so is by creating a fun table setting by adding banquet tablecloths and linens to make it look more elegant. Create something so your guests can have some fun while they are waiting for the reception to start. For example, you can create fun jars with funny stories that your guests can read and laugh while they wait. Another fun idea is to create a little game of find your seat, crosswords with trivia about you and your husband to be. table covers wholesale


·         Take a Different Route for Photographs


Wedding Photography Skills You Need


We all know that at every wedding there is a photographer to capture the magical moment. The day needs to be captured no matter how laidback your wedding is. But the best way to spice it up is to add backdrops to make your photos fun and different. You can even make a photo booth or use Polaroid cameras. Your options are truly endless when it comes to non-traditional picture options.


·         Mix and Match the Seating Arrangements


Wedding Reception Venue


When you are having a casual wedding there is no need to have boring one colour uncomfortable seating space. Mix and match your chairs and couches to create the coziest place where everybody will be comfortable. No matter if you are having an indoor or outdoor wedding, adding colourful chairs and adding a couple of couches is the way to go. You can even create cozy corners with blankets, pillows and poufs on the floor. It is also great if you are expecting children to be at the wedding they will be comfortable and occupied. wedding linen direct


·         Give Edible Favours


Party favours are something that everyone’s excited about when they are coming to a wedding. But it can be quite hard to find something that everyone will like and find useful. Because of that it is best to have edible favours. You can put up bins of favours and let your guests fill their bags with candy and chips that they prefer. If that seems too little for you, make a bin with candles, bath bombs and other knick-knacks they can choose.

·         Have Comfort Food, not Fancy Food


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Food is almost the most important part of celebrations. If you are not having a fancy wedding go for comfort food that everybody will love. Instead of having full sizes burgers, pizza or burritos have them signed into bite-size form. That way everybody can eat different things rather than eating just one thing and being full. It is also great if there will be children at your wedding. Going with a catering service for your wedding is much more efficient than having set meals.


·         Have Moody and Romantic Lighting


Wedding Lighting


There is nothing that will be better than having romantic and moody lighting. Usually, at weddings, the light is bright white and it gives people headaches. It will make your casual wedding not cheap looking and it will bring a romantic vibe into it. The best way to accomplish this lighting is by adding dim yellow lights such as fairy lights, salt lamps and others. Hang them above the seating areas and tables.


·         Keep Kids Occupied


Let’s face it if you are hosting a casual wedding people will bring their children. Make sure that you create a space where they will be able to feel comfortable. Have lower tables and chairs where they will be able to sit and eat as well as fun things that they can play with. Create stations where they will be able to get juices and snacks. If you are working with enough space, create a nook where they can play, draw and relax. That way both their parents and they can enjoy the wedding.


Final Words


If you are creating a casual wedding you will need to be creative and think outside the box. It will take time, dedication and creativity but it will be with it in the end. Not doing the traditional wedding will only make it more memorable both for you and your guests.


Author Bio:


Mia Ackerson is a Melbourne-based freelancer, currently engaged in projects with PhotoboothME. She’s interested in photography, fashion, beauty, cooking, interior design, home improvement, business, and technology! You can follow her on Twitter.