Cosmetic Box Packaging: Tips and Tricks For Making It Inspiring

Cosmetics are a massive industry, and each year, tens of thousands of companies compete to get their products into the bathrooms and bedrooms of customers — there’s a lot of money to be made, but due to the steep competition, it is far from easy.
One of the primary ways cosmetic companies can make their products stand out is through packaging. Packaging makes the difference between a cosmetic product looking luxurious and reliable or looking cheap and ineffective. That’s why, if you own a cosmetics company, you really need to pay attention to the packaging of your products — and in this arctic, we’ll go over some of the ways you can make your cosmetic box packaging more inspiring!
#1 Make Use of Ribbons
Ribbons are cheap, abundant, and reliable — they are one of the most commonly used items in packaging, and this is for good reason. They can be used to make the packaging look attractive, inspiring, and luxurious — it is a great way to make your cosmetic products stand out on store shelves.
And when we say ‘make use of ribbons’, we don’t just mean for gifts and such. Regular products can make liberal use of ribbons to appear professional, stylish, and chic — in fact, recently, more products have been relying on ribbons to appear unique on store shelves.
There’s one major downfall when using ribbons: it is not recyclable, which is becoming increasingly important for customers. This might harm your brand image slightly, but it isn’t a major concern as many major companies rely on ribbons in their product packaging.
#2 Use Rigid Boxing
Flexible boxing is less expensive, more flexible, and easier to store, but, ultimately, it looks cheap to a lot of customers – rigid boxing, especially for cosmetics, is one of the primary indicators of a premium product — when choosing to package for your products, you should definitely pay attention to this.
In the past, rigid boxing, true to its name, was hard to customize, brand, and store, and this made flexible packaging the clear choice for most companies out there — but more recently, advances in package manufacturing have made the process much simpler and much less expensive: if you’re interested in rigid cosmetic packaging, you should definitely look into it — you’ll likely be able to find packaging that meets your requirements and needs within your means.
#3 Branding is Everything
It is hard to understate just how important branding is for cosmetic companies – almost all customers buy cosmetic products based on word of mouth and what the brand is known for. Once you’ve garnered a bad reputation for your brand in the cosmetics world, it is almost certainly impossible to survive, regardless of how inexpensive your products are.
One major part of branding is the packaging – if your brand isn’t properly designed and imprinted on the product, your customers won’t be able to recognize your products, and you’ll appear invisible on store shelves. You need to work closely with the cosmetic box manufacturer to make sure the design accentuates your brand and your company properly.
#4 Be Bold – Your Cosmetics Need to Stand Out
As we mentioned above, standing out on store shelves is paramount, but the only way you do it isn’t with branding alone — but the packaging as a whole is an important factor in whether your products stand out on store shelves or not.
We’ve all had this experience: we visit a store, look through a shelf of products, and then pick up the one with the most stylish/interesting packaging — many consumers buy cosmetics this way, and you want to appeal to them as well.
Sadly, finding the right design can be quite difficult; try to rely on designers, create focus groups, and do A/B testing to figure out some of the more successful designs — these are a few ways you can measure your designs’ success, but ultimately, it is more art than science.