Choosing Fire Starters & Wood Logs for Sale for Camping Purposes

Have you finally decided to go out camping and experience the wild? If yes, there should be no loose ends in your preparations. Preparing your backpack is the most crucial stage of successful camping. While in the outdoor conditions, small things you are caring for can make a big change when it comes to survival. Therefore, make a list of all camping requirements carefully. Fuel is the most important part of every outdoor expedition especially when you have decided to spend the night. Firewood is the primary source of fuel everyone needs to stay warm as well as for cooking. If your firewood is not upto the mark, it may create serious troubles later. Here we are providing some information regarding the selection of the right firewood for camping purposes.
Firewood fuel arrangement for camping
1) Kindling firewood
Kindling firewood is the basic requirement for every camping because large wood logs for sale near you will not catch fire instantly. The kindling firewood is thinly split for instant ignition. Make sure that the wood you are selecting for kindling purposes is of pine, cedar, spruce or fir. Firewood of these trees contains some percentage of resin that catches fire easily.
2) Lightweight firewood logs
When it comes to selecting large firewood logs, make sure that they are lightweight enough to carry. Visit the firewood store in your locality and ask for the lightest options available there for sale. Even hardwood species are also available in lightweight.
3) Perfectly seasoned
Both kindling and logs of firewood should be perfectly seasoned. Partially seasoned firewood main work to an extent at homes but you cannot compromise with quality when it comes to camping. High moisture levels cause difficulty in burning of firewood log. It will not catch fire easily. If somehow you manage to light up the unseasoned wooden log, the fire will still remain inconsistent.
4) Carry some liquid fuel
Always carry some liquid fuel such as kerosene or petrol in a small bottle. It can help you in starting fire even in extreme conditions. Once your kindling firewood catches fire, pour some liquid fuel on the large wooden logs so that they can also catch fire easily. Liquid fuel is also helpful in restarting fire early in the morning.
5) Cotton and petroleum jelly
It is a DIY technique of survival and always works when you need a consistent firestarter. Along with kindling wood, keep cotton and petroleum jelly fireballs as plan B. Mix petroleum jelly with cotton balls evenly and keep them in your bag separately. You can also prepare this how much genius mixture during the campaign easily. Cotton ball exhaust instantly but burn with a great consistency when You mix petroleum jelly in it.
It is advisable to keep a flint stone fire starter along with matchsticks in your bag. It will help you in making fire even in the extremest conditions.