CBD for Anxiety: How CBD Keeps You Calm

CBD for Anxiety: How CBD Keeps You Calm

Typically, anxiety is a healthy and natural fight or flight reaction in response to stressful situations. However, in modern times with the pressures of daily life, many people are driven to anxiety on a daily basis, which can develop into a chronic condition. There are many medications and remedies for those who suffer from anxiety, but many people find these provide no relief from their symptoms. CBD oil has become a favourite for people suffering from mild stress disorders to server anxiety, and our guide is here to help you understand what you need to know about how CBD can help your anxiety.


What Exactly Is CBD?


CBD is cannabidiol, and it is one of nearly 200 cannabinoids found in marijuana plants. However, unlike the other cannabinoids, CBD is not psychoactive as it has a different pharmacologic profile and can be extracted from both marijuana plants and from hemp. For more information on what CBD is and the products available, head over to 321 CBD.


What Is Anxiety?


As mentioned previously, anxiety is a normal human response to stressful situations. It covers many physical reactions, including a rush of adrenaline, sweating, sensitivity to environmental triggers, and increased heart rate.


When the anxiety is triggered repeatedly, it may turn into an anxiety disorder, such as generalised anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, or panic disorder. Once it reaches this stage, it can severely impact a person’s daily function and mental health. 


  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder: This chronic ailment is the most common anxiety disorder, and those suffering from this condition get anxious for no specific reasons or triggers.


  • Phobias: Overwhelming fear in response to a specific object or situation, which can often prevent individuals from engaging in everyday situations as a result of their fear.


  • Social Anxiety Disorder: With social anxiety disorders, those suffering from the condition typically experience extreme anxiety in social interactions, often leading to a fixation on being judged.


  • Panic Disorder: Sudden and random panic attacks lasting between five minutes to an hour from a panic disorder are usually accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, tremors, confusions, shaking, and nausea.


Causes Of Anxiety


The complexity of anxiety disorders can make it both difficult to diagnose and find the root cause of the condition. Still, there are some common factors that doctors look out for when someone is struggling with anxiety.


  • Genetics: When you have a family history of anxiety disorders, there is a risk that this can be passed on through your genetics which puts you at risk of developing the same condition.


  • Changes in Brain Structure: If a person suffers from a traumatic event or even genetic changes in their brain, it can lead to compromised communication between neurons resulting in developing an anxiety disorder.


  • Environmental Factors: Environmental factors including chronic stress at home, school, or work are a significant cause of anxiety disorders. In some cases, a bad financial situation or bereavement can also contribute to the risk of developing anxiety as well as lack of sleep or travelling in high altitude areas due to low oxygen levels.


  • Medical Conditions: Occasionally, anxiety can be a direct result of another medical condition, health supplements, or prescribed medications that can cause you to suffer from heightened stress or change the structure of your brain.


How CBD Oil Can Help


Dealing with anxiety can cause even more stress and anxiety as many of the prescriptions medications can lead to a range of adverse side effects, which is why many have begun turning to CBD as an alternative. Of course, if the medicine your doctor has prescribed is working, it’s best to continue with the advised treatment and work with your doctor if you feel you need to make any changes.


Research and first-hand evidence from people with anxiety suggest that CBD oil may be more effective for treating anxiety disorders than other alternatives. As there are no side effects unless taken in extreme doses, CBD oil is a low-risk option for many people, which is why so many individuals suffering from the conditions recommend it as a treatment.


How Does It Work?


CBD regulates the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is a crucial neurochemical network that controls vital functions, including mood, sleep, immune response, memory, appetite, pain, cognition, as well as many other functions. When your body has a good chemical balance, often referred to as being in homeostasis, it typically remains in good health. However, when imbalances occur in your neurochemicals, it can lead to anxiety as well as other mental health disorders.


Using CBD For Anxiety


There aren’t any official guidelines for dosages in regards to CBD as everyone reacts differently to the oil, but it is recommended that you take between 40-80mg daily. However, you can determine how much you should ingest by taking your age, weight, lifestyle, and severity of symptoms into consideration when calculating your dose.