Top 4 Benefits of Residential Schools in Dehradun

Top 4 Benefits of Residential Schools in Dehradun

Residential schools provide children or students with several benefits. The choice to attend a residential school is the first step towards a big picture decision and the career of the students. Not to mention, by attending residential school, the various advantages that arise with it 

Online Learning and Its Pros and Cons

Online Learning and Its Pros and Cons

The commodity of our home is always an advantage when it comes to both learning online or working remotely. In the last year and a half, it’s been especially popular mostly because of the Covid19 pandemic. Many people changed their offices for their living rooms 

Handy Safety Tips During A Student Exchange Program Today

Handy Safety Tips During A Student Exchange Program Today

Are you planning to join a foreign student exchange program? Safety precautions are in place to make it possible for students to join foreign exchange programs today. There is consistent improvement in containing and handling the pandemic across the world. You can mitigate risks during 

The Role of Social Workers in Promoting Literacy in a Community

The Role of Social Workers in Promoting Literacy in a Community

Social workers have a deeply rooted influence in communities. Usually, they are the first line of connection between the communities and higher authorities. Thus they can readily identify problems, translate them, and covey for further actions.   Social workers play several roles in addressing and 

Learn Scatter Plot and Best Fitting Lines

Learn Scatter Plot and Best Fitting Lines

A scatter plot is a set of data points that shows the correlation between the variables. As the name depicts, these plots take a set of confusing, scattered data and turn it into something that makes sense. The best fitted lines within a scatter plot 

Scoring Topics For CBSE Class 10 Hindi Exams

Scoring Topics For CBSE Class 10 Hindi Exams

CBSE class 10 students should score good marks in their Hindi exam. A student has to score good marks both in literature and language, to increase the overall percentage. The Hindi subject has two sections for class 10: Hindi Course A and Hindi Course B. 

Tools That Are Needed to Teach Online

Tools That Are Needed to Teach Online

Remote teaching has unique demands and challenges that require a different set of educational technology tools than in-person teaching tools. As education went online due to the pandemic, institutions and teachers had to find a way to reach and engage their students remotely. Educators adopted 

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Pharmacy College

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Pharmacy College

Choosing the best college for pharmacy in Bangalore is not an easy decision. There are many factors to consider, such as location, cost of tuition, and the quality of their programs. We’ll discuss what you should be looking for when choosing which pharmacy college will 

Why are Online Preschools Popular in India? A Complete Guide

Why are Online Preschools Popular in India? A Complete Guide

Parents often wonder what their child should do before they start kindergarten. There are many schools that offer preschool programs for 3-5year old children but one of the most popular choices is going through an online preschool program. Online preschools are a great option for 

4 Teaching Styles That Serve as Barriers to Student Development

4 Teaching Styles That Serve as Barriers to Student Development

Are you aware that the use of ineffective teaching methods could block a student’s potential for overall development? They range from cognitive processes to behavioral patterns. However, they all have one crucial thing in common: they slow down growth and make a teacher’s job even