Benefits of Cumin for Weight Loss

We all know the universal rule behind weight reduction— a calorie deficit diet, weight lifting, strength exercise, and a positive lifestyle. However, researchers have found that cumin has a significant role to play in weight loss. Apart from increasing our BMR, the spice also provides many health benefits that impact our weight loss program. Its unique properties do the trick. This blog tells you how including cumin in your diet will help you lose those extra pounds and make you healthy.
Why Add Cumin in Your Diet
Cumin is a very common and popular spice used in a variety of Indian, Chinese, and Mexican cuisines. Cumin is procured from the Cuminum cyminum flowering plant, from the parsley family. It enhances the taste and aroma of food, particularly the curries and gravies.
This tiny spice has the potential to create a lot of good effects on your body. Ancient Indian sages used cumin as herbal medicine to improve digestion. In Sanskrit, cumin literally translates into balancing digestion (jiraka). As a traditional Indian medicine, raw or soaked cumin is added into various drinks and foods to realize its complete benefits.
Active ingredients
Thymoquinone is one of the active ingredients in cumin. Thymoquinone is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. The ingredient helps your body to cleanse toxins by fighting free-radicals.
Besides, cumin is also rich in MUFAs, Monusaturated Fats that regulate your cardiovascular system. Surprisingly, cumin is also rich in Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Protein, and has a substantial amount of iron, magnesium, and potassium.
How Cumin Aids in Weight Loss?
In the long run, cumin’s effects work together with a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and an active lifestyle in reducing fat deposits, regulating insulin and glucose, and fighting inflammation in the body. You will see a significant improvement in your symptoms, such as bloating, fatigue, swelling, puffy eyes, and water retention.
According to a study conducted on 72 men, having lemon water with cumin seeds, first thing in the morning every day, sped up weight loss.
However, you must take care of other aspects of your life when you follow this routine.
Note that cumin alone cannot cut your fat. As in, it does not target your arm fat or belly fat deposits. You won’t see improvement in your weighing scales immediately either. Rather cumin fast-tracks the weight loss process indirectly by:
-Increasing your Body Metabolic Rate (BMR)
-Regulating your insulin and glucose levels, which maintain blood sugar
-Improving digestion and gut health
-Reducing body inflammation
-Boosting energy and mood by increasing the production of serotonin
While you can consume ground cumin or the seed as it is, you can also have cumin in the form of pills to boost your current weight loss regimen. Just like any other weight-reduction plan, the effects of cumin will also take time to show. It may happen a little faster though. You need to incorporate a proper diet, regular exercise routine, and practice a healthy lifestyle to enjoy the benefits of cumin for weight loss.
You can use cumin in various ways, including having it raw.
Morning Drink with Cumin Extract
Have this drink on an empty stomach to regulate your sugar levels, hydrate your body, and kick start your metabolism, just before you exercise.
-Take two teaspoons of cumin
-Boil it in 1 liter of water
-Strain the seeds and drink the water
Add Cumin to Your Food
You can add cumin to a variety of dishes as a seasoning ingredient. Jeera (cumin in India) rice is a popular and flavorful Indian dish that you can make in a jiffy with rice. You can also add cumin to lentil soups, roasted vegetables, and non-vegetarian curries. Additionally, you can add roasted and crushed cumin as salad and snack sprinklers.
Cumin Supplements
Cumin supplements are easily available in the market. The oral supplements contain oils of black cumin. To stabilize your blood glucose level, take one supplement pill after food every day. You can also follow your healthcare provider’s direction regarding the dosage.
Health Benefits of Cumin
Cumin is packed with many health benefits, besides fast-tracking the weight loss process.
Improves Digestion
If your digestive system is good, you will automatically hasten your weight loss. Cumin actively fights inflammation, gas, flatulence, and improves digestion of food. The magnesium and sodium in cumin stimulate stomach acid to improve food absorption. When your body digests food efficiently, it automatically absorbs nutrients effectively, which makes you feel fuller and energized.
Immunity Booster
A strong immune system can help you combat a lot of health issues, including viral infections, bacterial infections, wounds, injuries, inflammation, and allergies. And if your immune system is strong, you can fight germs faster, have excess energy, feel motivated, and improve stamina.
As cumin is a rich source of iron, antioxidants, vitamin C and essential oils, it acts as an immunity booster. And when you are energized and motivated, you automatically put more effort into losing weight!
Cures Insomnia
The essential oil and subtle aroma in cumin soothe our nerves and improve our sleep cycle, which reduces insomnia. Cumin is also reputed to work on the other symptoms of insomnia, such as disturbing thoughts, stress, and anxiety.
Depression and stress are the biggest reasons for insomnia. Increased metabolism, stronger immune system, and healthier gut prevent depression and fight stress. And cumin addresses all three body functions.
Boosts Iron Content
Cumin has high iron content and iron is essential for hemoglobin production. Your vital organs require adequate oxygen to function well. Lack of iron leads to low energy levels, general weakness, shortness of breath, poor metabolism and weaker immune system.
Hemoglobin transfers oxygen from your lungs through your blood to all other parts of your body.
You get 18% of your regular iron intake from a single spoon of cumin!. Cumin is also rich in Vitamin B, which is required to absorb iron in the blood, and which helps you not to suffer from iron deficiency anemia or nerve damage.
Also, this proves that iron has a direct link to weight reduction.
Final thoughts
Cumin indirectly benefits our health immensely, if not directly. Right from controlling diabetes to taking care of your gut to reducing weight, cumin is omnipresent. Have at least a teaspoon of cumin every day to experience positive change.
Author Bio:
Dr.Sohil Guntagani is a proficient writer who firmly believes in the age-old remedies and holistic medicine as a primary cure for several diseases. After graduating from Rajeev Gandhi University Of Health Sciences, He embarked on a journey to find the truth about holistic and natural remedies. During his travel and research, he found the purpose to enlighten and empower others with this knowledge and help them led a much healthier and stress-free life.