5 Amazing Beards in Video Games – [ That You Should Know About ]
![5 Amazing Beards in Video Games – [ That You Should Know About ]](https://www.wanderglobe.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/video-games-characters-beard.jpg)
Video games may improve problem-solving skills. Researchers say kids who play several types of games. In return show improvement in three key areas: planning, organization and flexible thinking.
It’s the era of video-games. Teens like to adopt whatever they see advancing as a trend which they learn from surfing on the internet.
But most often they try to pull off the looks they fancy about their favorite video game characters. So video games have a large impact on teens as well as a major part of our youth.
Upcoming are the five most favorite styles such as beard like Kratos.
1- Kratos
God of War is an action-adventure video game.
SIE Santa Monica Studio’s God of War series presented you with the character. God of War got praise for its storyline, music, characters, and battle framework.
Kratos is an immense video game character worldwide. The beard played an important role in building up the character’s personality. As it is massive and bushy. The character needs to have a tough look which was only possible with the help of that masculine beard.
This has become the most trending beard styles so far. This beard style is a whole new version of the Viking beard type.
This beard style comprises the blend of a rustic look with a hint of rugged aspects. This beard type has made this series and video game character so popular.
2- Max Payne
Max Payne is a shooter video game series that is developed by Remedy Entertainment. A police detective in New York City. Who turned vigilante after his family had been murdered by drug dealers.
Rockstar brought the game back to the current generation as Max Payne 3.
Max Payne no longer in his leather jacket and grizzled face. The makers went ahead and upgraded the character. He has a few more pounds of weight on him, no hair and a massive beard.
He is bald, recovering alcoholic with a rocking beard that tells you how angry he is.
Within the context of the game, the personality upgrade works fine. In gaming, a beard symbolizes one of two things, either wisdom or downfall. It’s quite clear which of these is more suitable for Max Payne.
3- Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Ezio from Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. Born into the Italian nobility, Ezio follows his family heritage as an assassin. Most of his immediate kin die during the Pazzi conspiracy.
His quest is to track down those responsible for killing his family. The combination of Ezio and his beard is an effortless Italian charm in Brotherhood.
For someone raised in Florence, his choice of beard style is perfect. And exudes pure Italian class everywhere he goes. What’s more, by impeccable I mean it is refining.
4- Geralt of Rivia
In Witcher 3, the beard of the series protagonist Geralt grows in real-time. The game’s developer confirmed that the beard grows as time passes. And also when the character changes locations.
This one is a curious case. In the game, you can opt to change your hairstyle, trim your beard. As in the game clock ticks away and your hair grows.
So the technicality itself is something to admire. The realistic factor also has a role in the inclusion of Geralt in this list.
The beard has several ‘states’ and they help determine its length. The longest is very long but it’s not Gandalf-long.
This is the first I’ve ever heard of a character’s facial hair grows real-time in a game.
5- Joseph Seed
Joseph Seed aka “The Father”, is the main character of Far Cry 5, the deuteragonist of Far Cry New Dawn.
Joseph Seed looks like someone that would run a high-end coffee shop. But instead, he’s destined to become a cult leader. The look doesn’t surprise us, to be honest.
His hipster beard suits him though, especially with his man-bun and retro glasses. The entire attire makes him look a little messy but he carries off quite well. We’re kind of jealous.
In the end, I would like to conclude that Game Development has topped up in advancement over the past few years. One of the great joys of playing video games is in seeing your character grow and change.
In traditional high fantasy games, it’s fun to rise from small beginnings to be a powerful figure. With excellent personality build-ups, video games are lead to earn praise.
We have provided you with everything you need to know about which video games to pick. Depending upon your interest in the character’s personality.