Basics of Shopify You Need to Know

Shopify is one of the leading eCommerce hosting providers as it does all the heavy lifting for its users. It is especially popular amongst small businesses and young enterprises.
While Shopify does the heavy lifting, there are still some basics that you need to know to manage your website on the platform. To handle the website smoothly, one must know how to add products to Shopify, create an account, etc.
However, if you do not have the time to learn or manage the website, you can hire an agency to manage the back end of your Shopify. This would clear a lot of valuable time on your schedule, and you will be able to focus on the core objective of the business.
So, here are some basics about Shopify that you must know:
Create an Account
The first thing you need to do to leverage the Shopify site is to know how to create an account on the platform. For this, you would need to head on to the website and claim your fourteen-day free trial to get started.
You must know that you will be required to fill in some basic details about yourself. You will have to fill in all the details, from the zip code to the website’s name. The process can take up some time as there are various boxes that you have to tick off while creating an account.
Get a Hold of the Admin Screen
The admin screen is like your back door to the website. Shopify offers tons of tutorials that you can watch and learn how to navigate your way on the platform.
This is the page you will use to make any changes to the website. From shipping options to adding payment options, all the customizable elements on the website can be accessed in front of the admin screen.
So, you should grasp the basic concept of the admin screen and learn your way around it.
Customizable Theme
Shopify offers a ton of customizable themes to its users, and by choosing a theme, you can make your website distinctive from the competition.
One can easily find a customizable theme by browsing through the admin screen panel.
You should check how the theme looks first by opting for a demo rather than applying it directly to the website. By having a preview of the theme, you can add or delete certain theme elements as per your preference.
SEO is a great tool to promote your website organically. SEO techniques may take a while when it comes to providing results, especially if you do it all yourself. A marketing agency can also be hired to handle the marketing part of your website to focus on selling the best quality products.
Learn How to Add Products
Shopify is useless if you are unable to add products to your website. Learning how to add products to Shopify is essential for making a profile on the platform. You can start adding products by going to the admin screen panel and selecting the ‘products’ toggle.
It will then open a drop-down menu of all the product categories and your inventory. If you wish to add products, you can simply do it by clicking on the ‘add product’ button presented in the top right corner of the screen.
So, if you are a small business owner or a budding entrepreneur, using Shopify to its full potential can open many doors.