Ayurveda Tips for Holistic Health

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that is rooted in the Indian history. Many modern practices have been derived from Ayurvedic traditions that are now being used as alternative medicine.
However, over the years, Ayurvedic principles of holistic living and wellbeing have taken a backseat as material comforts have become the norm. Rather than finding harmony in nature, we have incorporated artificial means to find balance in our lives. The imbalance caused as a result can lead to all forms of diseases, addiction, and even early death!
Living in sync with nature as per the principles of Ayurveda, we can overcome the need for medical treatments and suffering caused due to debilitating diseases.
If you want to live a wholesome life, then you must make some lifestyle changes to prepare yourself for the journey of health and wellbeing. That being said, here are some tips to help you get started on the path to healthy living.
Nature therapy
The best way to relax your mind and soul is by being outside in the nature. If possible, spend at least 30-45 minutes outdoor every day. Breathe fresh air and talk a long, leisurely walk to prepare your mind and body for daily life’s hectic routines as well as challenges. By being in nature, you can rejuvenate your cells and feel more energised.
Breathing exercises
Did you know that the air we breathe is the source of all energy in our bodies? It is this energy that revitalizes the body and refreshes our minds. But when you take short breaths, then you basically expend valuable energy. According to ayurvedic lifestyle, you must learn to take long deep breaths that will carry the energy through your body and help preserve its vitality.
You don’t have to be an expert in yoga to get the most out of this ancient practice. Even simple exercises an yoga postures when included in your lifestyle will make your body strong and lithe. As you gain more flexibility and range of motion, you will be able to perform daily bodily functions with that much ease.
Rise before the sun
Did you know that most of your diseases stem from poor lifestyle? All of this can be easily avoided if you make it a practice to wake up before sunrise. You must follow ayurvedic schedule of sleeping on time and waking up at least two hours before sunrise so that you can eat at the right time, sleep at the right, and perform light exercises to keep yourself physically active.
Keep your sense organs clean
According to Ayurveda, you should keep your sense organs such as eyes, nose, ears etc. clean. Wash your eyes with plain water or triphala-soaked water every morning. Make sure you also clean your tongue, gargle with warm water, and put a drop of oil in each nostril every morning. This will help wake you up and clear your senses.
Consume a healthy diet
Ayurvedic experts explain that you can avoid the use of most medicines by simply eating healthy. The secret to eating healthy lies in consuming food in accordance with your body type and maintain a sattvic diet. How can you do this? By choosing seasonal fruits and vegetables. Always prepare your meals from the scratch as they are easiest to digest. You should also avoid eating fast food as it makes you sluggish. Want to know more about healthy eating habits as per Ayurveda? Contact Melbourne Natural Medicine Clinic for more information.
Keep your digestion strong
If you want to keep your metabolism strong and digestive system in proper condition, then you must only consume nutritious food. Feeding your body with nutrients will strengthen your immunity system and make your feel energetic.
Use your intellect properly
As a human, you have been gifted with a powerful brain. However, people rarely use it and end up damaging their body. Smoking is bad for your body and lungs, but you still do it because you don’t listen to your brain. We also know the same thing about fast food, sedentary lifestyle etc. Despite knowing full well how bad habits can affect our lives, we still do it. Therefore, use your intellect to take control of your life before it spirals out of control.
Maintain balance in your life
Balance your sleep and diet to keep most diseases at bay. The secret to healthy and happy life is choosing good things that maintain the right balance. Remember, excess of everything is bad, even sattvic diet!
You don’t have to spend too much time to make these lifestyle changes. Take one small habit at a time and see how your life changes for good. Before you know it, everything will start falling into place.