Anxiety Relief and Other Benefits of Kava

More people are susceptible to anxiety problems than many of us can imagine. As a result, there is the need for things that can relieve anxiety.
Speaking of anxiety-relieving options, there are quite a number of things you can consider. Some of them include Passionflower, Lavender, Ashwagandha, Cannabidiol, Galphimia Glauca, Valerian, Chamomile, and Kava.
All of these have a similarity. It is not just the fact that they can help but the fact that they are herbal solutions. If you are interested in knowing what they have to offer, you can read this article.
The truth is that we cannot examine every one of them here. However, we would do our bit by discussing Kava.
This is one of the herbal solutions that have been around for ages and you would know more about it if you continue reading. Other than its ability to help relieve anxiety, you would also understand how it can help with some other issues.
What Is Kava?
This is the extract from a plant known as Piper methysticum. This extract has a lot of therapeutic properties and can benefit the user if/when used appropriately. One of the therapeutic features is relieving people with anxiety-related problems.
But other than this, you should know that this extract is an integral part of the Pacific native’s culture. These people have used this extract for ages during social gatherings, religious events, and for medicinal reasons.
Places like Tonga and Fiji are well known for using this extract for a wide range of medicinal and non-medicinal reasons. In these places, the use involves making the roots of the plant into a powdery form by basically crushing. Afterward, water is added and then it is mixed.
About how it tastes, it is not something that many people would like. This is especially if you have a taste bud that is sensitive to bitter mixtures like this one.
The good news is that some brands have made things easier in this regard. This is considering how it is available in tablets, tinctures, and many other easy-to-use forms.
Kava for Anxiety Relief
There are several reasons people end up with anxiety issues. Some of them are unavoidable while others just need to ease off stress.
Whichever the case is, you should know right away that this extract can be used to help people facing anxiety problems. This extract from the Piper Methysticum plant contains properties that are capable of doing this.
So, rather than opt for alcohol in the bid to deal with these issues, you should try out kava. For those asking why, here is a very simple explanation.
Good quality kava will not only relieve anxiety but would avoid the complications associated with alcohol use. One of the complications is not comporting oneself in social gatherings. This is because of the psychoactive effects of alcohol.
Although this extract has psychoactive effects, it is not the same as with alcohol. This is as long as it is high-quality kava. On this note, you should make sure the kind that you get and use falls under the category of Noble and not Tudei.
The former is what we consider top-quality extract and the latter inferior quality. So, as long as you use the Noble category, you would reap the positive benefits associated with using this extract. This is especially as it concerns anxiety relief.
This is important because of the several health issues associated with anxiety problems. For instance, people with anxiety problems stand a higher chance of ending up with irregular heartbeat, high BP, heart disease, digestive issues, and several other health complications.
Frankly, this is just a general way to explain this. This is because even some of these health issues mentioned have several health issues under them. The digestive issue is an example.
Diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, and diarrhea are just a few examples of digestive issues as there are others. So, it is best to avoid anxiety problems as much as you can.
You can make the most of premium quality kava to do this. Many brands manufacture kava products, so make sure you purchase the right kava for anxiety relief as this is very important.
Some Benefits of Kava
As explained earlier, anxiety relief is not the only way this therapeutic plant extract can help people. There are other areas as well. Some of them include the following:
Stress Relief
It is not hard to understand how this is the case given how stress is related to anxiety. However, the thing is that some people might be battling stress issues that have nothing to do with anxiety. So, such people can make the most of kava as well.
Sleep Problems
Because of the calming effects of its therapeutic properties, people stand a better chance of dealing with sleep-related problems. So, you should consider using it if you have this problem.
Help with PMS
PMS is an acronym for Premenstrual Syndrome. These are emotional as well as physical symptoms that set in before women have their menstrual period. It can be quite unpleasant especially for some and kava can help women in this regard.
Seizure Prevention
People that have seizures from time to time can fare better with kava. This is because of the positive effects of this extract.
Side Effects of Kava
This article will be incomplete without explaining the side effects of kava as there are several of them. But before we treat this, you should know there is a higher chance of experiencing these side effects with inferior quality kava.
This is why you should be deliberate about getting the right one. Now that you are aware of this, some of the side effects include the following:
Adverse Interaction with Some Medications
This is why you are advised to seek your doctor’s consent before using it. The combination of some drugs with it does not go down well. Examples of such drugs include barbiturates, antiretroviral medicines, and benzodiazepines.
Appetite Loss
Some people experience appetite loss after using kava. When they give in to this feeling they end up lacking the required nutrients that the body needs to perform optimally.
Skin Problems
This is the case with people that use lots of this extract. This is one of the reasons you should only use the needed amount and no more. Such skin issues include yellow, dry, and scaly skin.
Wrap Up
Other than the three side effects mentioned above, there are several others. Some of them include diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches. You should pay attention to getting the right kind of kava to avoid these side effects. You are also advised to use the right amount and no more.