Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Facts for Kids

Kids are the future leaders of our generations. They are the ones who will shape the future of this world and make this world a better place to live in.
In order to do so, it is really important that our children know about the history of our world and the civilizations that have inhabited it.
As it is said that a person can never think of real visionary thoughts for the future if he does not know about his past. It is important for our kids to know about the famous civilizations and their cultures in order to learn from them.
In this article, we will give you all types of information that you need for making sure that your kid knows about the facts related to ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Everything will be explained in such a manner that it will spark a new surge of research in your kids about the ancient Egyptian
Gods and Goddesses. We will make sure to collect all top of the line amazing facts about the ancient Egyptian gods and Goddesses which will create more interest in the kids in them.
So, without taking more of your precious time we will dive right into the amazing and interesting facts about the ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for your kids.
List of the Interesting Facts of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
There are several ancient Gods and Goddesses in the Egyptian culture but we are going to discuss the most famous of them here.
1- Anubis – The God of Death
Anubis was the God of the graves. He was considered to be the guide of the souls in the afterlife when the pharaohs died.
Anubis was also known as the patron deity of embalmers.
The ancient Egyptian God Anubis was a “Jackal-headed God” who was half-human and half jackal according to his appearance.
2- Osiris – Ruler of the Underworld
As much terrifying yet fascinating as it sounds the Ancient Egyptian God Osiris was the ruler of the underworld.
He was also considered as the judge for the souls of the dead people and made sure every soul met its fate.
3- Seth or Set – God of Evil and Darkness
Seth was the really evil god and according to the ancient mythological facts, Seth was the true villain among his brothers.
The fact that proves Seth was a villain is that he murdered his own brother Osiris for the sake of power. Pretty scary isn’t it?
He was called the God of Evil and Darkness by the ancient Egyptians.
4- Thoth – The God of Wisdom
The amazing Egyptian Gods and Goddesses are not just about darkness and evil.
Some of the gods like Thoth were considered as the God of Wisdom who controlled magic, science, moon and even the writing and ideas which come to the minds of great men.
Thoth was one of the renowned animal-headed Gods. He was the God who had the head of “Ibis” which is why he was known as the ibis-headed Thoth.
Thoth was also the patron of scribes which proves that he must be a surprisingly wise God.
So these are some of the curious and interesting facts about the ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for your kids. I am sure that you will love the content of this article to the extent of your heart.
I hope that all the information here will be interesting and easily understandable for the kids about the ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. But if there is something in this article which is not quite cleared then there is no need to worry because we have the perfect solution for you.
You can ask us anything you need to know or is unclear to you and we will provide you the solution to your problem after proper and thorough research.
So stay tuned with us for more amazing and informative content which is headed your way.