A Guide To Buying Antique Furniture

You won’t need to be reminded that antique furniture is valuable and if you are looking to adorn your living space with some fine antique furniture, you should have at least some basic knowledge. Aside from that, you need to be sure that the seller is, in fact, reputable. There are unscrupulous people who sell replicas to unsuspecting buyers, passing them off as original.
Free Online Resources
If you spend a few hours per week researching antiques online, you will quickly become more knowledgeable and that reduces the risk of being sold a replica. If you have a chosen period that you like, learn all about the well-known furniture makers of that time and the marking they put on their work.
Online Solutions
Whether you are looking for antique clocks for sale or are interested in dining room furniture, search with Google for an established antique dealer that is based in your area. You should be wary of anyone that approaches you. Cold-calling is not a technique used by those in the antique world. Once on a dealer’s website, take a good look at the content and you should have a good feeling about the authenticity.
Antique Dealers & Their Good Name
Every single antique dealer relies heavily on their reputation and it takes many years to earn a good name in the industry, which would be lost in an instant if they sold an item that was not genuine. If you are serious about collecting antiques, you should forge a working alliance with an established antique dealer, who can assist you by sourcing specific pieces.
Blog Page
Every antique dealer’s website should have a blog page, where you can read informative and engaging content that will broaden your knowledge. You might wish to learn more about a Georgian chest of drawers or a French period chandelier and the chances are, you will find what you are looking for. An established antique dealer’s website should be full of content, with a diversity of listings, giving you a feeling of a busy marketplace.
Register As A User
If you are serious about making antique acquisitions, you should register with a leading antique dealer that offers many benefits. If you are looking for a specific piece, you can set a notification to be informed when that item arrives. Bookmark the website and visit often to keep abreast of new inventory and there’s no reason why you can’t register with numerous antique dealers, which widens your horizons. Registration is free and without obligation. You will receive a free weekly email with updates.
Comparing Pieces & Prices
Fortunately, the World Wide Web makes it very easy to compare prices and products and by checking all the local antique dealer websites, you can create a shortlist of items to view. It might be that you would like to have a physical inspection of the piece before making your mind up, in which case, you can make an appointment for a private viewing.