7 Ways Social Workers Can Help People Enhance Their Wellbeing

Social workers are an essential part of society. They are professionals who work in several settings. They work with small groups, families, and even large groups. The help social workers render is pivotal to reshape people. That means helping people identify the source of the problem. If they need counseling, make sure they connect to the right ones. These few factors make social work one of the tedious yet rewarding fields. Here are some ways social workers can help people:
Awareness About Mental Health
Mental health is heavily stigmatized. Not enough people talk about mental health issues. People with mental health issues, coupled with a lack of awareness, often don’t understand what they’re doing. Some mental illnesses are incredibly severe, enough to make a person hurt themselves and others around them. Social workers are good at recognizing and understanding mental health. So they make sure these individuals get proper help and educate others on mental health. They debunk myths and try filling in loopholes in people’s knowledge about mental health. Social workers may also push schools and the workplace to have mental health seminars.
Talk About Social Injustice and Spirituality
Unfortunately, despite being in the 21st century, there is still much social work that needs doing. Social injustices are still prevalent. There are many communities deprived of their rights to fair treatment. We still have issues of minimum wages, gender gap issues, and even racial profiling. The social injustice also extends to discrimination in healthcare. For example, black women face discrimination when it comes to their reproductive rights. These women are more susceptible to having complicated pregnancies and even more complicated births. However, most health regulating authorities choose not to comment.
Moreover, admitting clients’ spirituality is also recognized as a critical element of social work. People often inquire about the connection between spirituality and social work and how to join them. Incorporating spirituality into social work practice is about helping people to explore the spiritual aspect of their lives.
Working on Poverty
Poverty is difficult. It pushes people through hurdles and trails that are mentally and physically exhausting. Some of the reasons for poverty are outside of the person’s control. So, social workers extend their support towards poverty-stricken communities. They utilize resources to help them build schools. Some talk to the public health sector to get more remote clinics. They may even go to an organizational level to encourage more NGOs to help fix neighborhoods. While social workers are improving the society around them, they’re also counseling people. Social workers help people identify their strengths and weaknesses. The next step is to use these strengths and help people find suitable jobs. They may even encourage people to go back to school or take a course that can help them. In addition to these measures, social workers can ensure that poverty-stricken communities get clean food and water.
Protect Children from Abuse and Neglect
Children are highly vulnerable. They can get physically assaulted, deprived of their fundamental rights, and even sexually exploited. Social workers play an essential role in looking after these children. When they receive information on any child facing abuse, they have the authority to investigate. If they feel the situation is getting out of hand, they may also involve the police. When a social worker takes in a child, they fill out the proper paperwork. The paperwork helps the foster system and regulating bodies to look after these children. It informs them how much support the child needs and legal guardians who can look after the child. It also tells them if the child needs mental help and trauma recovery. Then comes the process of getting these children into foster care. Social workers are also required to keep checking on these kids. They cannot assign them to a new home and not check on them.
Intervene in Violent Domestic Assault Cases
Social workers have the jurisdiction to intervene in domestic assault cases. If they visit any household and see visible signs of abuse, they can remove the person from harm. Once they’re sure the victim is safe, these social workers will administer help. Help is given in the form of counseling, therapy, and treatment of their wounds. These people seem connected to safe houses and shelter. If they have children, their children are allowed to stay with them. Intervening in a domestic abuse case is risky and courageous. You never know what you walk into. So social workers, at the extent of their life, protect others.
Preventing Substance Abuse
Substance abuse has become a matter of public health crisis. The term includes both drugs and alcohol. People who consume copious amounts of both substances risk their health in the worst possible way. Apart from their health deteriorating, they also cause massive disturbance in society. Substances can lead to an increase in criminal activity as well as instability in society. There are cases of escalated street crimes, domestic violence, and even accidents. If a person is not careful about what they consume, they can end up fatally hurting themselves. Social workers can help these people get better. They can ensure they check into a hospital and rehab to get recovery treatment. They can also push for policies regulating harsher control of substances and drugs.
Conduct Wellness Workshops
Social workers don’t only work when there’s an emergency. The skills and education they possess make them useful throughout. Wellness workshops get designed to help people work on themselves. These can include education, health, and even understanding their rights. With the help of awareness, the population will start asking the right questions. Social workers can then implement the newly given knowledge to help people find help. They can also remove the stigma around asking for help and working on yourself. When people know where they can find rehab centers, hospitals, and even institutes, they will get better. These workshops can occur in different sectors. Social workers may bring them to offices and even schools.
Wrap Up
Social workers are the functioning gears of any society. The way they understand the framework of a suitable environment is unmatched. Most social workers hold a master’s degree. That entails they have the skills and the knowledge to help people. The work is tremendous but essential. Social workers can help address the shortcomings in society. These issues could be about social justice and a lack of laws. These issues can also be about illnesses and conditions that make life difficult for people. One of the critical roles social workers play is awareness. They can conduct seminars, group counseling, and educational workshops to discuss issues. In addition, they also have the jurisdiction to help families with abusive situations. With so many roles a social worker plays, no wonder they’re so important.