7 Reasons Why Compliance Training Fails

7 Reasons Why Compliance Training Fails

Discrimination, sexual harassment, corruption, and violence – these are just some of the problems within an organization that compliance training can address. Nonetheless, not all types of compliance training succeed. With that, in this article, we’ll talk about the common reasons for its failure and what the management can do about it.


  1. Lack of Interest


If the employees are uninterested in participating in a compliance training program, it will fail. The easiest solution is to make training more engaging. One of the best ways to do this is to implement a bite-sized approach or microlearning. This allows employees to learn at their own pace instead of being overwhelmed with new knowledge. Also, utilize online materials they can access anywhere such as compliance blogs and electronic training modules.


  1. Lack of Resources


The successful implementation of compliance training programs requires certain resources. The management must invest in these resources. For instance, they will need financial resources. Time is another important resource. Meanwhile, if you are looking for the best online resources for the training program, True Office Learning can lend a helping hand.


  1. Lack of Leadership


The failure of compliance training can also be attributed to a lack of leadership. The management must realize its value and should assign leaders to facilitate the program. The top management should show their full support in the implementation of training, and when needed, must also participate in the program like all employees.


  1. Lack of Continuity


Compliance training is not a one-off program. Companies should make it a continuous endeavor. At the very least, it should be done once a year. Employees must stay updated with everything related to compliance, and the only way to do this is to provide frequent training programs.


  1. Lack of Goals


Like other training programs, a good starting point for compliance training is to identify the goal of the management. By doing this, it will be easier to stay on track and determine the best means to achieve the ends. Without a goal, the compliance training program will lack a clear direction.


  1. Lack of Feedback


Eliciting and understanding feedback is crucial for organizations, especially in compliance training. This is an opportunity to learn from the experiences of the trainees. This way, the management can identify the mistakes and shortcomings of the training program, minimizing the likelihood that it will happen again. If there’s no feedback, it’s difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.


  1. Lack of Metrics


In one article from Harvard Business Review, the author notes that many companies implement compliance training without appropriate metrics. This takes away the opportunity to measure the success of the program. It is crucial to have indicators to measure and evaluate training objectively. Quantitative and qualitative data must be present to evaluate effectiveness.


Compliance training can fail when there is a lack of interest, leadership, feedback, and metrics, among other things. It will be a waste of time and resources if the management does not pay attention to how to implement it right.