7 Important Diseases for Older Women

The 50-year mark demands a new look at women’s health issues. The onset of menopause raises the big question of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Depression and mood swings increase at middle age and may require treatment. Women may also be concerned about the potential of other diseases for which they are more prone to age, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
According to the American Academy of Family Physicia (AAFP), about 17 million people suffer from diabetes in the United States. The level of sugar in the blood of a person with diabetes is too high. Diabetes obstacles insulin to generate in our body that means body can’t generate required insulin because of this disease. As a result, glucose/sugar accumulate and stay in the blood instead of being delivered to the cells. Nearly 95% of people with diabetes have type 2 AAFP.
There is no cure, but people with diabetes can lead healthy lives by controlling their blood sugar. This can be achieved through proper nutrition, exercise, a healthy weight, and by taking oral medications or insulin. Without treatment, diabetes can lead to blindness, heart disease, nerve and vascular damage, and kidney damage.
Pressure Ulcer
Pressure ulcers, also known as decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers, are lesions that are on the skin and/or the underlying tissue, usually bone prominence as a result of pressure or pressure. In combination with shear and/or friction produce the most common sites are skin that covers the sacrum, coccyx, heels or hips, but other places such as elbows, knees, ankles or the back of the skull can be affected. Pressure ulcers occur because of the pressure on the soft tissue leading to a total or partially blocked blood flow to the soft tissues. The cut is also a cause because it can pull the blood vessels that nourish the skin.
Heart Disease
According to the CDC, heart disease is still the leading cause of death among adults over 65 years of age with 489,722 deaths in 2014. As a chronic heart disease affects 37 percent of men and 26 percent of men. As people get older, they live more and more with risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which increases the likelihood of a stroke or heart disease. The opinion of Dr. Bernard to deal with this risk of health of the elderly, not only helps in heart disease, but can also be the health of the elderly to improve in all areas, ‘play sports, and eat well, rest well the night. Eating well is eating for a healthy weight and a healthy, balanced diet. “
Osteoporosis is such a disease that works silently in older women body. Typically, it’s performed the deficiency of enough calcium and others related ingredients. So need estrogen to keep their bones strong. They also need an energetic supplement that can provide all required nutrition like calcium, vitamin, multivitamin, calorie, and protein and etc. Protein is much needed because it can control older women’s balance and weight. One of them supplements best weight gainer for women is really the best. Up to half of all women and a quarter of men over 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis, according to the National Institutes of Health.
There are some important reasons of risk for osteoporosis as an example thin body, small bone frame family history of osteoporosis.
A person with osteoporosis often does not know that they have the disease until they develop a fracture, back pain, or arched back. The disease can cause the vertebrae to collapse so that the person can also be shortened over time.
There is no cure, so patients must learn to cope with the disease through diet, exercise and medication.
Fear of Heights
An equilibrium disorder is a disorder that makes a person unstable, such as standing or walking. She may feel dizzy or dizzy or have a sense of movement, rotation or flotation. Balance is the result of several body systems working together: the visual system, the vestibular system and proprioception. Degeneration or loss of function in any of these systems may result in an equilibrium deficit.
Influenza and Pneumonia
Although influenza and pneumonia are not chronic diseases, they are among the top eight causes of death for people over 65, according to the CDC. Older people are more prone to these diseases and less able to fight them. Health recommendations for the elderly include the annual flu vaccine and getting the pneumonia vaccine if your doctor recommends it to prevent these infections and their life-threatening complications.
Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
With age, the heart becomes less efficient and needs to work harder to circulate the blood in the body. The blood vessels lose their elasticity. The loss of elasticity, associated with atherosclerosis (caused by hardened fatty deposits in the arterial walls), makes the arteries inflexible, forcing the heart to work harder. This process leads to high blood pressure.
High blood pressure, associated with atherosclerosis and uncontrolled diabetes (see below), are two of the leading risk factors for stroke. A stroke can occur without warning, causing temporary or permanent brain damage and, as a result, a loss of bodily function, depending on where in the brain the blockage occurs.
Although it was once thought that this was part of the normal aging process, cardiovascular disease and stroke are two pathological processes that are now known to influence lifestyle. Smokers who consume a lot of meat and fat and who have high cholesterol are at high risk of suffering from this disease.
The 50-year mark calls for a new look at women’s health issues. The onset of menopause raises the big question of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Depression and mood swings increase at middle age and may require treatment. Women may also be concerned about the potential of other diseases for which they are more prone, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.