7 Biggest Digital Transformation Trends in Education

While there’s no doubt that the digital transformation has impacted nearly all aspects of our lives, educational spaces were historically quite slow to adopt any new advancements. However, this is slowly changing as educators begin to realize just how beneficial technology can be in the classroom. General interest is rising, engagement and participation are high, and drastic changes are being made for the better. With that in mind, here are just some of the many digital transformation trends affecting education at the moment:
Cloud-based learning options
By providing teachers and students the opportunity to connect from anywhere, cloud-based solutions have quickly become vital in the field of education. Learning platforms based on the cloud can be used for posting and streaming lectures and publishing videos to allow students to keep up with courses even without a physical presence. These spaces also allow for the submittal of assignments, tracking syllabi, and even direct connection and collaboration with other classmates. Not only has this made education accessible and convenient to nearly anyone, but it has also made learning more interactive, immersive, and engaging.
IoT in classroom environments
As smart devices rise, the Internet of Things (IoT) gains greater importance in our lives. When it comes to education, this technology has enabled students and learning institutions to connect in a completely new way. On one hand, IoT can enhance campuses by giving schools the option to increase safety, security, and comfort using sensors and smart devices. On the other, staying connected is an invaluable benefit. Time stamps can be used to track assignments, students can monitor their progress more accurately, teachers can follow attendance more efficiently, and parents are able to receive necessary information regarding their child’s development.
Personalized learning
We have never been able to personalize learning quite like now. From the choice of the educational facility to the available options in terms of learning paths and methods, education can be customized to suit each student. For instance, blended learning can be used to give students more responsibility, as it involves discovery-based learning methods rather than direct instructions, and is a great example of individuals taking more control over their educational paths. Adaptive learning is another way for students to be in charge, but it’s a more sophisticated technology that collects relevant data regarding student behavior and then provides instant feedback and makes adjustments accordingly.
Program management tools
EdTech companies are continuing to transform the education sector, aiming to unlock the full potential of teachers and their students. In this space, online program management solutions are gaining some prominence and slowly rising in popularity. With a team of skilled education experts partnered with top global universities, these services are able to design, develop, and deliver the best, most career-relevant solutions in online education. The goal is to solve economic and social challenges while meeting the needs of future workforces, something that is likely to become even more important in the coming years.
Artificial intelligence
While it may seem like the advantages of online education are already abundant, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions have proved to be beneficial in this space as well. In fact, virtual student advisory services are already being implemented in higher education, being available to students at all times. These virtual advisors can answer thousands of questions in record time, thus freeing up actual advisors to focus on more advanced problems. AI-powered chatbots are also being used in a similar manner, as they could answer common questions, help with paperwork processes, and ease the workload of burnt-out teachers.
Virtual reality solutions
Although initially meant as entertainment, virtual reality has slowly gained an important role across all industries, including education. It can provide students with the unique opportunity to ‘experience’ the learning material before moving on to real-world implementation. For example, virtual reality can be used to visualize objects and buildings, describe concepts in greater detail, perform potentially dangerous experiments, and put individuals in situations where they can gain hands-on experience without having to leave the classroom. This helps students to feel more comfortable, confident, and better prepared for future careers.
Gamification opportunities
When gaming is leveraged as an instructional tool, learning and playing combine. Gaming technology can make the process of studying difficult subjects more interactive and exciting. As technology advances, gaming is used to enhance education in all disciplines, often reflecting real-life issues and requiring students to solve them using valuable skillsets. These game spaces can offer a unique opportunity to make situation-based decisions using new knowledge while considering various perspectives, identifying obstacles, and rehearsing different responses. Students are motivated to continue paying, honing their skills throughout.
Evidently, digital solutions have already transformed the traditional educational environment. As new technologies continue to appear and evolve, we can only expect unique learning models and exciting, possibly unimaginable opportunities for future students.