7 Best Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Off Seasonal Colds and Flu

7 Best Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System to Fight Off Seasonal Colds and Flu

To present things very plainly: your immune system is a surveillance system of your body, working around the clock to notice and eliminate viruses and bacteria that can wreak havoc in your life. The immune system is very complex, consisting of different organs, cells, proteins and other things, so they all need to be kept healthy and strong in order for them to fight off any intruders.


And there are many things that can cause your immune system to let down its guard, so to strengthen it during flu and cold season, here are a few tips to follow:


Get a shot


The best way to avoid the flu is to get a flu shot. Since viruses can affect anyone, not just old and frail people, it’s important for everyone to get vaccinated to prevent infection and the spread of the flu. If enough people are vaccinated, those who are immunocompromised, too young or too old won’t have to worry about getting sick. You can always consult with your doctor on flu shots, how they work and where you can get them.


Wash your hands



Here’s another simple solution to provide your body with good defenses: washing your hands and practicing good hygiene. Most people wash their hands regularly, but they don’t do it thoroughly, especially around fingernails and between fingers. And viruses are very resilient, being able to survive outside the body for a long time and in all sorts of conditions.


This means you can touch a rail in the subway and then touch your face and get infected easily. It takes at least 20 seconds to wash hands correctly, with warm water and soap, and you should do it after every toilet visit, outing and before every meal.


Be active


Did you know that physical activity is good for more than just your muscles and heart? Exercising can help you reduce stress, boost sleep and improve your diet and mood, all of which can help with your immune system as well. If you get enough exercise for your age, you can reap long-term benefits and strengthen your defenses against viruses and bad bacteria.


Improve your gut health


We think that the bacteria in your gut are only good for food digestion, but they actually have many more uses—they regulate metabolism, hunger, cravings and the immune system. Strong immunity often equals a strong gut, since almost 70% of the entire defensive system is stored in the gut. Pay special attention to probiotics, or “good” bacteria, which reduce inflammations and prevent infections.


They can also make your colds and flus much lighter! So introduce foods like sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi into your diet.


Eat nutritionally-rich foods


Eat nutritionally-rich foods


When you think your immune system and your body are getting weaker, it’s necessary to provide them with enough nutrients. It’s not a good idea to diet during this time or restrict your calories too much. You can always opt for effective nutritional supplements if you have certain medical restrictions and can’t satisfy your daily nutritional needs through fruits, veggies and meat. Most of these supplements are high in protein and energy, so you can meet your calorie intake every day, no matter your menu. Also, focus on foods full of vitamins and minerals, but everyone already knows that.


Clean the air


The stuffiness in your home can do much more damage than just making you feel uncomfortable. According to research, indoor air can be several times more polluted than the air outside, so make sure to refresh it regularly by opening the windows. Another great way to clean out the air in your home is through houseplants. Common varieties like aloe vera, spired plants and peace lilies are great at filtering pollution like VOCs and enriching your home with fresh oxygen.


Get enough sleep


Get enough sleep


While it’s important to be active and eat well, it’s also important not to neglect your rest. Sleep amount, and especially quality, can have a huge effect on your immune system. During sleep, your body releases cytokines, proteins that affect your body’s ability to fight infections.


In many western societies, sleep issues are quite common. From sleep apnea to insomnia due to stress and notifications and traffic that disturbs sleep, there are many things that can affect how many Zs you catch at night. If you’re struggling with getting at least 7 hours every night, consult with your doctor and create a good bedtime routine.


Start taking good care of your immune system today, and you’ll reap many amazing benefits during cold and flu season. Expect to be healthy and strong even when others are feeling pretty beaten around you.