6 Tips to Make Your Bedroom Comfortable and Cozy

The bedroom is where most people spend the most time when they’re at home. It is a place of comfort, seclusion, and relaxation. A lot of people go to great lengths making their bedroom just the way they like it. To those lucky enough to have their own room, it is where they feel the safest. With this in mind, ensuring that it is as comfortable as possible is high on everyone’s priority list. Below are some tips that you can try to make your bedroom as personal, comfortable, and cozy as possible.
Invest in Your Bed
The foundation of a cozy and comfortable bed starts with the basics – the bed. As they say, one-third of an average person’s life is spent in a bed so it only makes sense that choosing the right kind of bed affects people’s health and wellbeing. A good bed should be one that is strong and stable. It should facilitate good quality sleep every night. It helps to visit as many stores as possible and test out the different kinds of available beds.
Next, focus not only on support and stability but also on the design. Beds will undoubtedly be the focal point of your room and so choose one king-size bed with storage that’s attractive and comfortable. If you are going to be sharing a bed with a spouse or a significant other, you should choose the bed together. Make sure that it’s big enough to fit both of you and cozy to encourage rest.
Pick the Best Mattress for You
After settling on the bed, the next step towards a warm and cozy bed would be picking the best mattress for your needs. While the choice of sticking to the mattress that came with the bed is always a sound and practical one, for some people those mattresses are either too hard or too soft for their liking and so they go the extra mile and get a different mattress for the bed.
The best way to get a hold of a good quality mattress would be to visit a dedicated mattress store. It is here that you get a wide variety of options from different brands and mattress makers. And just like buying a car, you shouldn’t pay for a mattress you like at face value. Always shop the sales and it’s standard practice to negotiate with the salesperson.
Choose Calm Lighting
Another factor to consider when trying making the bedroom as cozy as possible is the lighting. A bedroom should have enough light to help when you’re dressing and at the same time keep the vibe warm and relaxing. Good recessed lighting controlled by a dimmer will give you the ability to control how much light a room gets during different times of the day.
Wall sconces are also a great addition in any bedroom as they make nighttime reading a lot more enjoyable.
Ceiling fans serve a double purpose in a bedroom: it provides overhead lighting as well as regulating the temperature of the room. Choose a light kit where the bulbs are either covered by a shade or directed upwards for a softer effect.
Table lamps are perfect for providing task and accent lighting. These are commonly placed on a bedside table for bedside reading. Before getting one, make sure the switches are easily reached from the bed.
The Right Accessories
Bedrooms are considered to be personal spaces and therefore should contain personal touches of the occupant. Elements such as color, arrangement, and collections should emphasize the character of the person. It’s always better to sleep in a bedroom filled with personal touches rather than one that’s purely utilitarian.
Bedroom accessories start with color and usually imply wall color. It’s best to paint bedroom walls in a subtle shade instead of bold primary colors. Furniture also plays a huge role in how comfortable a bedroom looks so it’s always advisable to choose furnishings based on size and how well it fits into the overall look and feel of the room. Lastly, one key to making a bedroom cozy is making sure everything inside is organized and in its proper place. Focus on ease of movement rather than solely on style and decorative pieces.
Consider an All-White Bedroom
The words that come to mind when thinking of an all-white bedroom would be elegant, modern, and comfortable. If you’re lucky enough to decorate your bedroom how you like it, you should consider going all-white. The look will make your bedroom appear brighter, airy, and versatile enough to match any colors.
White makes the space look and feel bigger. Decorators have used it as a way to open up rooms without expanding the actual space making any room, bedrooms included, appear more inviting. An all-white bedroom is also easy to maintain since any stains can easily be painted over. White also never goes out of style which is why it’s a favorite color for many decorators. And white is the best compliment to natural light. It can boost the amount of sunlight that enters the room while still keeping it cool.
Add a Touch of Nature
Being that a bedroom is largely considered to be a place of sanctuary, somewhere one can rest and relax and get a goodnight’s sleep, it’ll benefit us if we spend a little time ensuring chemicals and toxins are removed. These toxins come from insulation, carpet backing, or even from dry cleaning. The best way to cleanse the bedroom from all these harmful chemicals is by adding plants that are best suited for filtering these out.
Plants in the bedroom will also make it come alive, looking fresh, and a better place to chill and relax. Plants have been known to help relieve stress and when placed in the bedroom offer a better quality sleep every night.
Some of the best bedroom plants include Peace lily, English ivy, and Philodendron. All of these are great at purifying the room’s air making it a more comfortable place to relax.
Sarah Brooks is a passionate blogger who loves to write about home improvement, travel, health and more. She is currently working with whatsthebest-mattress, which offers ultimate guides, reviews and tips to help to Pick the Best Mattress for You.