6 Tips to Keep Your Furnace in Good Working Condition

6 Tips to Keep Your Furnace in Good Working Condition

The furnace helps keep your family warm in winter. Keeping it in good shape gives you access to other benefits as well. For instance, the state of your furnace affects the air quality in your living space and energy bills. The vents, ducts, filters, belts, and thermocouples can attract debris and dirt, which can harbor harmful bacteria and viruses. When you run such a furnace, it circulates contaminated air, which causes allergies and other health problems. Additionally, a build-up of this debris affects its functionality and lifespan.


A typical furnace lasts 15-30 years, depending on how well you take care of it. Working with a regular inspection and maintenance technician can keep your HVAC system running efficiently. It will save you repair costs, replacement, medical, and energy bills. If you notice a change in the furnace flame from the usual blue to orange or yellow, it is time to call in an HVAC professional. For instance, you can check out with Morris Jenkins. An expert will advise you on when to clean, repair, or replace your old furnace for added benefits. Use the tips below to keep your furnace in good shape.


1. Clean your furnace regularly


Your heating system contains components that control airflow. These components include vents, filters, ducts, registers, blower compartments, belts, pulleys, and thermocouples. The unit draws in all the air from the environment regardless of dust and dirt. As dirty air gets into the furnace, it starts to build up, and with time, this contaminated air begins to circulate in the house, causing viral infections and other health problems. The build-up also causes clogging of the system, affecting its performance. Cleaning your furnace at least once a year will keep it in optimal working condition and protect your family from respiratory problems.


2. Schedule annual inspection and maintenance


The furnace contains moving parts and other small components that wear and tear with time. Scheduling an inspection helps determine what needs to be changed or repaired before affecting the furnace’s overall performance. During inspection and maintenance, you get the opportunity to lubricate the blower motor, change the filter, fix leaks, and remove airflow obstructions. You should schedule an inspection at least once a year or call a technician any time you notice high energy bills, dust in the house, discordant energy, and noise from the furnace.


3. Adjust the thermostat settings accordingly



When you run your furnace regularly, it keeps it in optimal working condition. However, you need to adjust the settings accordingly as the weather changes to ensure you get the most out of it and enjoy a more extended service from the furnace. Alternatively, use a smart thermostat to make programming easier during the day, at night and as the weather changes. 


4. Use thermal curtains to save energy at night


Thermal curtains prevent heat loss at night, which makes it easier to maintain comfortable temperatures without overusing the thermostat. Combining this practice with reduced thermostat temperatures as you sleep will save on heating costs and keep the thermostat functional for longer.


5. Use attic insulation


Insulating the attic helps maintain temperatures within the house. Insulation prevents cold air from getting in and warm air from escaping. It prevents heat loss and saves your heating costs during winter. In addition, ensure you close and open the furnace register properly to prevent blockages.


6. Use ceiling fans


Fans help circulate air evenly, reducing power consumption and boosting the performance of the HVAC system. Additionally, running the fan allows the blower and filters to work optimally and extends the lifespan of your heating system. 




A properly functioning furnace keeps you warm and comfortable. The components of the HVAC system work together to achieve this goal. External factors can also affect the performance of your heating system. Work with an expert to regularly inspect and clean your furnace; however, you shouldn’t be afraid to upgrade to a newer system.