6 Tips For Creating An Automated Sales Funnel

6 Tips For Creating An Automated Sales Funnel

Every company is nowadays perfectly aware of the fact that investing in online marketing is the way to go. When this concept first came to life, a lot of businesses were sort of reluctant to try it. Instead, they decided to stick to their old-school methods. As time progressed, though, everyone has come to terms with the fact that digital marketing is the future of business and that investing in it is a must.


There are numerous different things that you can do in order to attract your online audience, but you won’t be able to do it all perfectly without using a concept called a sales funnel. Automated sales funnels are actually becoming quite popular, and you can see here what it is that they can do for you and how they actually work. Of course, before you can get to understanding the automated sales funnel and before you start creating one for you, there’s no doubt that you’ll first need to understand sales funnels in general, so let me explain that concept for you.


A sales funnel, or a purchase funnel as it is also called, is basically a visual representation of your customers’ journeys during the sales process. It depicts everything from awareness to action, i.e. from the moment people become aware of your brand and whatever it is that you are selling to the moment they decide to make a purchase. As you might have guessed it already, the number of people who will become aware of your brand is much larger than the number of your customers, which is why this journey is actually depicted as a funnel.


Your specific task is to guide those potential customers through the funnel, trying to retain those that are most likely to buy your products or your services. The prospects will go through different stages from awareness to action, and only some of them will actually reach the action stage, i.e. the phase in which they will buy what you are selling. I suppose it is clear why this is called a funnel, and I suppose you now get just how important it is.


Now, automation will allow you to create a sales funnel that will require very little action on your part, or none at all, in order to function properly. If you decide to do this, you will get to save a lot of time and other resources in order to focus on other important aspects of your business. It is no wonder that the automated sales funnels have become so popular nowadays, given that they can help you free up a lot of time.


Since you now understand what an automated sales funnel really is, there’s no doubt that you will want to create one. It is true that, once it has been created, it will require little or no interaction to function. Yet, you will definitely need to put a lot of effort into actually creating it first, meaning that you shouldn’t take this process lightly. Instead, you should do your best to create the perfect funnel, and I will give you some tips on how to do that.


Here is a guide that could also be of some help: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/15989-how-to-build-a-sales-funnel.html


Research The Market


Research The Market


It all begins with market research, doesn’t it? After all, if you don’t get to know your audience and if you don’t have any idea about your ideal customers, then you are highly unlikely to be able to approach them the right way and start leading them through your funnel. So, use market research to learn about the size of your potential market, the demand, the saturation, as well as about any economic indicators that could help you create the perfect offers for your potential customers.


Use Content Marketing


If you really want to create a great automated sales funnel, then you will absolutely need to rely on content marketing. Use social media posts, blogs, videos and any other types of content to craft a great narrative around your products and to warm up your audience. Content marketing will basically help you not only generate leads, but also warm them up and lead them towards the other stages of the sales funnel.


Come Up With A Great Lead Magnet


A valuable lead magnet will go a long way in helping you identify the customers that are willing to buy your products and your services. Of course, you will need to create a great one if you really want to have any success in this stage. In order to create the perfect lead magnet, though, you will have to identify your customers’ pain points and problems that they would like to have solved. And then, you will have to propose a solution with the magnet.


Come Up With A Great Lead Magnet


Follow Up


Following up is highly important and it is the next stage in your automated sales funnel. Basically, you will need to make a follow up offer and present your potential customers with products and services that could solve their problems in a better way than the lead magnet. So, your offer should be more valuable than the magnet.


Pitch Your Sale


Backend sale is the last stage in the funnel, and it is actually where the money is. Simply put, this is the process of pitching your sale and getting your warmed up prospects informed about the benefits of the products or the services that you are selling. Your customers have been moving towards this sale the entire time, and now it is time to squeeze them and get them to actually make a purchase.


Use Tools To Help You Do This


If all of this sounds a bit too complicated for you, I understand that. Here is some good news for you, however. In the simplest words possible, there are tools out there that can help you create the perfect automated sales funnels for your business. So, what you should do is take your time to find a great tool and start using it to your advantage. Research various options and make sure to choose a tool that will be able to offer you everything you need.