6 Strategies for Effective Direct Mail Marketing

In many ways, having a successful business requires having successful marketing. While online marketing offers many benefits to businesses, it is always a good idea to branch out and try other marketing options to complement your digital efforts.
When it comes to offline options, direct mail house marketing can provide you with an excellent method of communicating relevant information about upcoming events or promotions. With that said, to create an effective direct mail campaign, you need to strategize. Trying to create a solid campaign without a plan can lead to costly mistakes and unwanted results. For help brainstorming, consider these strategies.
1. Identify Direct Mail Opportunities
Before sending out any kind of direct mail, you should first put some thought into what kinds of opportunities your business might have. Whether you want to communicate information about a new product or service, a promotional offer or an upcoming holiday or event, there are many ways to incorporate direct mail strategies into the needs of your company.
2. Remember the Environment
Although direct mail marketing has several benefits, one of the downsides is that it requires you to use paper. In general, society is becoming more concerned about commercial efforts to implement more sustainable practices. With this in mind, you should use recyclable paper for all of your direct mail. Not only will this help the environment, but it will also reflect well on your company.
3. Personalise Your Message
Who likes to receive direct mail with no personalisation? The answer is no one. While many customers already expect direct mail to at least address them by name, there are also other considerations to think about. For example, demographics and past buying and search patterns can also help you make your direct mailing more personal. By basing your message on customer activities and behaviour, you can make it seem like your direct mail arrived just in time to meet a particular need or address a problem.
4. Send Mail at Appropriate Time
Speaking of timing, you do not want to send direct mail without considering the timing. For example, when thinking about your customer’s activities and behaviour, consider individuals who have ghosted shopping carts or made similar purchases on items that you currently have on promotion. In addition, you can also create campaigns around calendar events.
5. Collect Tracking Information
Whenever you send anything through direct mail, there can be unexpected delays and disruptions. As such, you should create a system that allows you to collect direct mail tracking information. In general, you should record when the mail is in transit or in the local area as well as when the mail carrier processes it for delivery, re-routes it or returns it to the sender (you). Recording this information can help you keep track of your marketing efforts and save money if you run into problems.
6. Send Follow-Up Campaigns
Sending one campaign is not enough. After sending your initial direct mail campaign, it is smart to follow it up with another campaign in the future to hold the interest of customers. For example, many businesses choose to send a thank-you postcard with a coupon or some other kind of discount. You might also want to try starting a social media campaign that offers behind-the-scenes information about your products, services or company. Email follow-ups work well, too.
At the end of the day, direct mail marketing works very well to complement other marketing efforts, but you should not try it without some thought. To ensure your company benefits as much as possible from direct mail, be sure to implement useful strategies such as these into your marketing plan.