6 Natural Steps to Keep Bugs From Eating Your Plants

One of the most frequently asked questions by homeowners is how to keep bugs out of the house. You can try various natural solutions to combat the problem, such as rotating your crops and adding soap, neem oil, or basil to your water. These natural steps will help keep bugs from destroying your precious plants without using chemicals. However, you may have to carefully follow the instructions for each type of pest control. For the ick factor, you should wear gloves while working.
You can also hire professional perimeter pest control services for additional peace of mind.
Crop Rotation
By rotating your crops, you can prevent specific garden pests from establishing a foothold in your vegetables. Although some diseases do not travel very far, spores and bacteria that attack certain plants can survive the winter and wait for spring planting. Likewise, rotating your crops can prevent the soil from depleting nutrients. For example, rotate corn, squash, and legumes with a different variety. Tomatoes, for instance, deplete the soil of nitrogen and will attract specific garden bugs. You should also remove plants with diseased leaves to prevent them from contaminating the rest of your crops.
The first step in planning your crop rotation system is identifying the plant families. This will help you plan your best crop rotation strategy. Next, label the plots according to the plant family. Use a pencil with a dull point to mark the locations of plants and plant families. Also, use decorative signs to help you remember when you’ve planted what in which plots. You can also use spreadsheet software to plan and track your crop rotation over multiple seasons.
Another great benefit of crop rotation is that it makes different crops more difficult for soil-borne diseases. Certain soil-borne illnesses only feed on specific plant types, so rotating your crops helps make the disease’s life harder. This way, you’ll have more plants to choose from and fewer pests to deal with. Soil-borne diseases and pests can ruin your crops quickly and without warning. To protect your plants from these pests, you should rotate your crops regularly or hire reliable lawn pest control services.
Adding Soap to Water
Adding soap to water is an effective way to prevent insects from eating your plants. It is effective for small insects that suck in the water. It is necessary to spray the water frequently and at different times to control the problem. This will keep the bugs at bay for a limited time. You must repeat this method regularly, or a new population of insects may appear.
You can purchase a bottle of insecticidal soap or use bar soap. Ensure that the soap is moist before mixing it with water. For better results, use distilled water. Add ground red pepper, garlic, and cider vinegar to the solution. Adding a teaspoon of soap to each gallon of water will make the solution effective. You can also hire commercial perimeter pest control services if you do not want to make so much effort.
You should use liquid dish soap or coconut or vegetable oil when applying soap to plants. This solution will act as a surfactant and keep the solution on the leaves and foliage for longer. The longer the soap solution stays on the vegetation, the more likely it will kill the insects. The right mixture will protect your plants for a long time. It also prevents fungus and mold growth.
Adding Neem Oil to Water
Adding neem oil to your water is an effective way to prevent insects from eating your plants. It is one of the best plants to keep bugs away for several days. However, neem oil will begin to degrade in cold temperatures, so you should avoid applying it during winter. Apply the oil drench every three or four days after watering your plants.
Neem oil is an organic pesticide that works against various insects, including squash bugs and other soft-bodied insects. It’s not harmful to humans or other animals and is safe for use on plants. You can obtain it from neem trees, and it breaks down quickly. Moreover, it doesn’t leave behind a residue in your plants, making it an excellent choice for gardens.
If you have a problem with aphids, neem oil is an excellent way to keep them away. Aphids deposit a sticky substance known as honeydew that attracts ants. Applying neem oil to plants is an easy way to kill aphids, ants, and mosquitoes.
Although it’s highly effective against insect pests, neem oil can also kill various fungi and bacteria. It’s not toxic for bees, so it’s safe for your plants to use. Although it’s safe to use, it may irritate your skin. You should avoid using it near your plants if they’re sensitive to it.
Planting Basil
Basil is considered one of the best plants to keep bugs away from your home. Adding basil to soil is a natural way to protect your plants from insects, but there are also many other uses for basil in the garden. Pests like slugs and snails can cause a significant amount of damage to basil plants. You can quickly identify slugs and snails by the damage to your basil plant. By using a little Morton’s table salt, you can effectively kill them.
Japanese beetles are another pest to avoid. While they do not usually attack basil plants, they are attracted to the leaves of basil plants. Luckily, these beetles are only present for a month or two. You can also protect your plants by applying neem oil to the soil around your basil plants. This natural pesticide kills the larvae before they even start feeding on the basil plant.
Pests can also affect your basil plants. If you bring them indoors, be sure to remove any damaged leaves. It is also essential to remove any leaves with holes. If you find a small hole, it is likely a place where bugs can hide. The pests that attack basil will be attracted to the leaf holes and start eating the basil. However, basil plants will still grow and produce leaves if they are well-tended.
Planting Marigolds
Marigold is one of the best plants to keep bugs away. Adding marigolds to your garden is a great way to prevent insects from devouring your plants. These bright, fragrant flowers can repel many common garden pests while simultaneously attracting beneficial insects to your garden.
Adding marigolds to your garden is an excellent way to discourage slugs, a pest that prefers your garden’s dark and fresh greens. These creatures feed primarily on marigold leaves and leave behind a slime trail. While they don’t cause any damage to your plants, you can easily catch them by leaving out a bowl of beer overnight. Slugs will collect in the bowl, which can then be scooped out and thrown into a bucket of soapy water. You can also keep slugs at bay by planting copper rings or rough mulch around your plants.
In addition to being attractive to the eye, marigolds also deter whiteflies. This tiny insect lives on the underside of plant leaves and feeds on plant sap. The result is that the leaves of many plants become yellow and even die. Whitefly populations can increase quickly, and companion planting marigolds with tomatoes reduces the number of whiteflies in your garden.
Adding Cottonseed Oil to Soil
If you’ve ever wondered how to keep bugs out of the house, you should try adding cottonseed oil to the soil. Cottonseed oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the cotton plant. Unrefined cottonseed oil contains a toxin known as gossypol. While the oil protects the cotton plant, some researchers believe it also has adverse health effects. For instance, it has been linked to infertility and liver damage.
The oil suffocates insects, killing them from the inside. You should apply it to the entire plant, the undersides of leaves and buds, and other areas where the insects may hide. The best time to use the oil is during dormancy, when the plant’s foliage is at its lowest. Some insects, including scales, prefer to attack plants when they are leafless, so applying oil during this time can be effective.
Adding a cottonseed meal to your soil is also beneficial. This fertilizer breaks down slowly, allowing it to be absorbed by the earth. It usually takes two to four months to break down completely. You can use 2 to 4 cups of cottonseed meal for a garden. Make sure to store it in a dry container. Remember, cotton crops are heavily treated with chemicals to protect them from pests and diseases.
If you still find signs of pests eating your plants and want to figure out how to keep bugs out of your house most effectively, get in touch with the professional lawn pest control services in your area.
Laurie Pedraza works as a Marketing Manager for Healthy Lawn, the best lawn care service in New Jersey, offering comprehensive lawn services tailored to the region’s unique needs. Her years of local lawn care industry experience allow her to understand regional challenges and provide the most effective solutions for long-lasting results!