5 Ways To Detox Your Body Naturally

Avoiding The Synthetic Fixes
There are “unnatural” means of detoxification that will stress your body. Certain chemicals and practices can be used to “force” the “hand” of your body. For example, after a long night of drinking, if you need to skip a hangover, you can hook up an IV drip with vitamins in it, and that will push you through all the negative feelings of the hangover. It seems fine, right?
Wrong. Even though this might be a fine short-term solution, pursued over the long-term, this will deprive your body of the rehabilitation “infrastructure” it needs to help you recover from existing internal resources. A similar thing happens with caffeine. Caffeine is an analgesic, and it surrogates certain chemicals in the brain. Quit drinking caffeine, and get a headache.
Why? Well, your body is used to external supplementation of the necessary chemical, and suddenly must produce it on the fly with no supply. Ergo, caffeine is a physically addictive psychoactive compound. Even though it’s natural, the body relies on it. With IVs, even though they put natural supplementation into the body, they reduce natural recovery ability.
So for detoxification, it’s integral that you pursue natural methods. Following we’ll briefly explore five natural detoxification methods to help give you an idea the best course of action for varying detoxification needs.
Eating And Drinking Properly
The best way to detoxify is a four-fold strategy that involves eating the right foods—organic foods that will “go bad” if you leave them on the shelf too long. Anything that lasts for the long run probably has chemical preservatives or hormones in it. You want fresh, organic produce. Organically-sourced meats, breads that have a full “wheat” profile with all minerals, etc.
Eat the right foods in the right amounts, drink as much natural fluids as you can—such as water or juice that is not modified with sugar—and rest in a balanced way that doesn’t leave you sedentary too long, but doesn’t push your body too hard. Lastly, keep your mind on beautiful things. Garbage in, garbage out—that’s the old saying. Put good things in your mind and body.
Exercising On A Regular Basis
You’re going to want to work out if you’re seeking to clear your body of all toxicity. Exercise helps you “sweat” out the bad stuff. There are all kinds of compounds that can linger in a person’s organic structure. Exercise helps to work them out. Be regular. For best results, have intense physical activity define thirty minutes of your day at least five days a week.
External Detoxification
Detoxification certainly has different flavors; sometimes you’re looking not to detoxify your insides, but your outsides. Argan Oil Shop, a website selling this natural external supplement, writes at length about such external detox. In this post Argan Oil Shop explained how antioxidants have a head-to-toe effect that can have detoxifying properties.
Fasting; think “Ketogenic”
When you fast for the right amount of time, your body goes into “ketosis”. It’s like pressing the body’s reset switch. There is real science behind this, and it may be worth your while to explore several ketogenic dieting strategies out there—this is an old practice only now becoming modernized. That said, it’s a great detox strategy.
Consider A “Juice” Cleanse
A juice cleanse is essentially supplementing all meals with smoothies made up of only healthy and organic fruits, vegetables, or whatever is “natural” that you decide to put in there. Juice cleanse diets help your body “pass” toxins and other negative compounds, help you lose weight, taste great, and are perfectly natural.
Getting The Bad Things Out
If you follow a few of these methods seriously for just a few weeks, or maybe a month, you’re going to detoxify. Some of these methods only require a few days’ adherence, depending on your age, level of toxicity, and metabolism. If you haven’t detoxified recently, it’s a good thing to do.