5 Things to Know Before You Start Taking Mushroom Extract for Better Health

The popularity of medicinal mushrooms, especially the lion’s mane, has exploded in recent times. With many health-conscious individuals queuing to buy supplements, the number of makers has also increased.
But before buying the first product you see, it is wise to know about some crucial things. One of those is the answer to “how does mushroom extract help the body?”
1. Understand the Nutritional Profile of Mushrooms
The use of mushrooms in cuisine and medicine has been prominent across cultures, particularly in Asia. While some were consumed raw, many were boiled and cooked thoroughly. This way, the indigestible layer in the cell walls, called chitin, would break down, and people could access all the nutrients.
Traditional medical practitioners found out that cooking any mushroom makes these nutrient-dense foods more absorbable. Likewise, when you take mushroom extracts, you receive diverse nutritious compounds like:
- Beta-glucans
- Antioxidants
- Prebiotics
- Polysaccharides
- Amino acids
- Flavonoids
- Polyphenols and more
Mushroom extraction may involve water or alcohol, which locks and dissolves the constituents in the liquid. They can be in the form of paste, tincture, or tonic. If you take concentrated supplement powders, they are more potent and easily consumable.
2. Learn About What You Intake
Manufacturers may use the fruit body of the fungi or mycelium to produce the extract. Mycelium is the portion of mushrooms that resides underground, whereas the fruit body is above ground. The nutritional profile of both these parts is slightly different.
Extracts from the fruit body may contain more nutrients and minerals, with an abundance of copper, potassium, phosphorous, etc. It also contains vitamin C, B, and D and more bioactive compounds, called beta-glucans. The fruiting part releases microscopic spores that reproduce and germinate into a mycelium network.
Alternatively, mushrooms can be grown as MOG or mycelium on grain. Active fruiting bodies can create quality mushroom products in powder and extract forms. Double extraction processes with hot water and alcohol can also result in an extract with a higher potency.
3. Know the Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms
Medicinal and functional mushrooms like the lion’s mane have potential health benefits that improve cognition. If you wish to know the answer to the question: “how does mushroom extract help the body?” here are some key advantages:
Brain Health: Animal studies indicate that regular intake of mushrooms can boost memory. This result shows the future potential of human clinical research in treating cognitive illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease.
Anti-oxidation: Mushrooms can eliminate the free radicals in your body and decrease inflammation of the joints. The high levels of beta-glucan can stimulate the immune system and fight flu, allergies, fatigue, etc.
Natural Energy: Mushroom extracts and supplements can boost new cell growth, remove lethargy, and elevate moods. Non-psychedelic mushrooms like the lion’s mane give you an energy boost without the buzz.
4. Get the Dosage Right
Whether you buy mushroom supplement powder, tonic tincture, or other extracts, they are water-soluble. You can brew your mushroom tea or add them to juices or smoothies. They are also convenient to carry along when you work on the go.
However, you should use the right quantities, as recommended by the manufacturer. For instance, you can get optimum cognition with 5g of supplement powder per day. You can take up to three servings of 2-3g at once, blended with liquids or even water.
There are no known severe consequences of ingesting mushrooms extracts. But common side effects include nausea, headache, upset stomach, diarrhea, and low blood sugar. Seek medical advice if you are pregnant, planning a family, or have any existing health conditions.
5. Pick the Right Provider
Finally, where you buy the mushroom extracts matters the most. Choose only reputed brands that provide high-quality products and focus on your health and vitality. Check their profile online and learn what past customers are saying.
Other factors to consider are the customer service team, returns policy, and shipping. They should have helpful resources online, giving you insights about the industry.