5 Things About Coffee Believed to Be True and Are Not

5 Things About Coffee Believed to Be True and Are Not

Most things you have believed about coffee for years may not be true. The majority of people have at least a cup of coffee every day. It could be they need an energy boost, for the taste or to become warm. Coffee is a prevalent beverage in society but still many people do not think twice about it and have it how they know best. Yet, many do not realize that there is a lot of myth surrounding what coffee is that people believe to be true. What have you believed all these years to be true about coffee? Are you right or wrong about it? Read on to learn what are the things people believe about coffee that are not true. 


  1. Tasty coffee drinks are empty calories


If you looking to lose weight, you have already been asked to remove a 300-calorie latte out of your diet to reach your wellness goals. But this does not mean all coffee drinks are on this list. Coffee alone is a very low calorie, per cup of black coffee, it’s about 1 calorie. Thus, the issue is not the coffee, but what you add to it. Read more on drinksupercoffee.com/blog to learn about healthy coffee with healthy additives that is tasty. Therefore, you choose how healthy or unhealthy your coffee will be by additives, creamers, and other things you add to it. Choose the best to make an amazing healthy cup of coffee. 


  1. Do not drink coffee before physical activity 


Drink Coffee


Coffee is an ergogenic aid, also known as a performance enhancer. Therefore, drinking some coffee before or during exercises helps to increase mental and physical performance. Therefore, whether you make your coffee at home or buy ready-to-drink coffee, it is fine to have it before physical activity. Also, athletes who have coffee notice a decrease in the perception of fatigue during exercise, improved performance in endurance, decreased perceived exertion, and increased ability to concentrate and focus. Therefore, test out first before you drink your cup or two, before your physical activity. 


  1. Coffee is not healthy 


Coffee Beans


Surprisingly, many people believe this as a fact. Yet, a cup of coffee is loaded with great nutrients. Coffee contains potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, and magnesium. Coffee, in most American diets, is the number one source of antioxidants. Also, drinking coffee is associated with lower risks of some cancers, decreased metabolic disease risk, decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lower risk of depression, and lower risk of developing liver disease. 


  1. Diabetics cannot drink coffee 


Diabetics cannot drink coffee


The interesting bit on this is that drinking more coffee reduces the risk of a person developing diabetes significantly. Studies show that per 1 cup of coffee per day, a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes reduces. Therefore, those with an increased risk of developing diabetes can consider adding a cup of coffee a day. What to be wary about is ordering a cup with added syrups, sugars, or creamers as this makes your cup of coffee not as healthy. Instead, choose black coffee or coffee with non-dairy milk. 


  1. Instant coffee has no benefits 


Instant coffee


This is not true. Although many people believe that instant coffee loses its natural beneficial compounds due to how it is processed, this is not the case. Coffee has an abundant supply of antioxidants, although instant coffee may not have a high concentration as brewed coffee, the antioxidants are still present. Therefore, the only time coffee becomes unhealthy is when you add unhealthy additives to it. For instance, using sugar as a sweetener or adding cinnamon as a sweetener. Cinnamon is a healthier alternative. Plus, coffee is as tasty as whoever is drinking the coffee.


To conclude, coffee is a healthy drink depending on what you add to it. The above myths are some that most people believe causing them not to take coffee or think that it is unhealthy. Choose healthy additives to your coffee like MCT oil, stevia, cinnamon, among others that are beneficial to your health. If you are yet to learn what you love in your coffee enjoy it plain as you get to know what you should add.