5 Reasons Why You Should Use Organic Natural Products

As an increasing number of people continue to make more eco-friendly, health-conscious decisions and reach for sustainable, organic, and natural products, we’re witnessing a shift in a way many of us approach the consumption of everyday products.
From food and clothes to makeup and skin care, organic products seem to be the top choice for many, showcasing the need for us to return to nature, to our roots, and where we came from. If you’re considering switching to organic, natural products, here are five powerful reasons why you should do so.
Reduced risk of illnesses and allergic reactions
Simply put, organic ingredients are better for your health. The chemicals used to produce a variety of hair care and skin care products can lead to irritations and allergic reactions, with many ingredients being carcinogenic. On the other hand, natural and organic products are much safer to use, and the ingredients on their lists are natural, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin.
This also applies to the food you eat. Sticking with whole foods is a way towards better health, so try to reduce or completely eliminate processed foods from your diet, and instead focus on eating natural foods sourced locally.
The reduction of exposure to harmful chemicals and substances
Cheap, synthetic beauty products are easy to produce, but they come with a hefty price tag in terms of our health. Just think of the last shampoo commercial you saw on TV – they all promise outstanding results in short periods of time, but as we all know, there is no such thing as a quick fix.
Swap your chemical-packed shampoos and conditioners for something natural, and look for long-term solutions instead of buying into the fantasies commercial girls are selling. For example, if you’re struggling with dandruff, consider using a natural and organic anti dandruff shampoo instead of exposing your skin to the synthetic, harmful ingredients. Not only is it a better option health-wise, but you’ll also reduce the amount of chemicals that is poured down the drains.
You’ll help reduce premature skin aging
The ingredients found in many beauty products largely contribute to premature skin aging, so if you want to keep your skin looking youthful and healthier for longer, steer clear of any products that list sulfates, mineral oil, ammonia compounds (MEA, DEA, TEA), and certain alcohols on their ingredient labels. Instead, stick with those rich in antioxidants and minerals.
The food and beverages you consume can also speed up or slow down the aging process, so be mindful of your eating habits. Try to incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lentils into your diet. The vitamins and minerals your body obtains from these foods bring a host of benefits to your overall wellness, and they can even help us in our fight against time and ensure we stay younger for longer.
Going organic is better for the environment
The thing that has many people, especially millennials, making a switch to organic is the sustainability of said products. Most commercial hair care and skin care products contain petroleum-based ingredients that hurt both our health and the environment. The same could be said for conventional cleaning products, which is a shame because there are so many recipes for DIY natural cleaning products that are equally as effective in the fight against bacteria without the cost to the environment.
The production of food is yet another way humans are making a massive ecological footprint on the environment. Unlike traditional practices, organic farming practices are much more effective and eating locally-sourced organic food is much better for the environment as well. By going organic, you’ll be doing Mother Nature a huge favor.
It’s also better for the animals
Last but not least, the fifth reason why you should switch to organic, natural products is to help out our animal friends. Many organic beauty brands label their products as cruelty-free, which means that their practices don’t involve animal testing, so our furry friends don’t have to suffer.
Organic farming also excludes the use of toxic and harmful pesticides, turning their farms into homes for many birds, bees, and butterflies. By preventing the vast amounts of pesticides from entering our environment, organic farmers are not only helping conserve wildlife and support animal health and welfare, but they are also encouraging biodiversity, conserving water, combating erosion, and fighting the effects of global warming.
With so many benefits they bring to the table, it’s no wonder that the demand for organic products has risen significantly over the past decade. And in the sea of synthetically-enhanced products that do more harm than good, it’s high time we go back to our roots and reinvent the approach to consumption as we know it.
Author Bio:
Mia Taylor is 33 year old blogger who writes about beauty, fashion and travel. She had always been passionate about fashion and over time she had developed a style of her own. Mia loves to mix and match and get inspire girls with her advice about outfit and accessories. She loves telling a story about her travels, providing beauty tips with readers.