5 Great Reasons You Should Get A Dog While Living In An Apartment

Apartment living and owning a dog don’t immediately seem to go hand in hand. Everyone knows dogs require a lot of care and that doesn’t always make someone think that having a dog in an apartment is a good idea. The truth is, however, there are many great reasons you should own a dog if you live in an apartment.
Depending on where you live, you may have to do a little extra hunting when it comes to finding a place to live that will accept dogs, but that’s not an impossible task. Finding dog-friendly apartments in Chicago or even other cities is entirely possible.
It’s all just about the effort you put in and the time you want to spend once you’ve moved in and try to make your apartment work for you and your furry friend. If you haven’t made the leap to getting a dog yet and apartment living is the reason holding you back, it’s time to let that go. Here are five great reasons you should get a dog while living in an apartment.
1. You Get To Be More Active
Sometimes living in an apartment can give you an easy reason to be a little less active. You have everything you need in a small space and if you aren’t a people person you don’t really have to interact with your neighbors very often. You can go home, shut the door and enjoy your quiet small area without interference. Another important reason for having an apartment with your dog is that it will keep your dog away from fearful things like fireworks from outside. Visit https://observer.com/2021/05/dogs-and-fireworks-how-to-calm-your-dog-during-4th-of-july/ for more information.
While that’s not always a bad thing, it’s also a good idea to get at least a little fun activity worked into your day and a dog can help you do that. There are the obvious things like making sure you are taking your dog for walks and letting it get outside to enjoy just being a dog. But there are also some other not as obvious activities dog ownership comes with.
For one thing, you can start to learn about local hiking trails or parks if you have a dog that loves to be active. That means you’re outdoors doing things that are fun, (and active) all because you opted to get a dog while living in an apartment. Yes, breeds do matter and some breeds won’t work well for an apartment but overall having a dog in an apartment gives you a chance to get out there and enjoy life a little more.
2. They’re Good For Your Heart – Literally
Apartment living can be a drag sometimes and everyone knows a dog will cheer you up, but that’s not the benefit you’re going to hear about this time. Along with being more active to improve your health, owning a dog has been shown to be literally good for your heart. Dog owners in several studies have shown numerous benefits to their heart health.
A study done by Harvard Medical stated that:
“There is some evidence that owning a dog is associated with lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. A large study focusing on this question found that dog owners had lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than non-owners and that these differences weren’t explainable by diet, smoking, or body mass index (BMI).“
So while you’re trying to improve your health, owning a dog can help you do that, even while you’re living in an apartment. And given the sometimes limited options for working-out, while living in an apartment, these benefits could be especially true BECAUSE you’re living in an apartment. Your furry friend just wants to help, and it seems they really can.
3. You’ll Have A Constant Companion
Sometimes living in an apartment is a little lonely. The benefits of having your own place are great but there are times when you will miss having someone else around. Enter a dog. Dogs are a great way to have companionship and help you combat that loneliness just a little more. They just want love (and probably food too) and they’re your friend for life.
This is another case where the breed of dog could matter. If you’re thinking you’ll want a dog that’s a couch potato cuddle buddy then you’ll want to make sure you’re checking out breeds or personalities before taking a dog home. If you’re rescuing from a shelter make sure the shelter knows you live in an apartment and your activity level so they can make the right recommendation.
4. They Help Build Social Connections
Who doesn’t love to come up and pet a dog, right? While you’re out walking your dog for the day or taking him to the park you’re bound to interact with people who want to pet the dog. Even the most introverted of people will often take this chance to gush about how great their dog is. This is a great way to help you build social connections, especially if you’ve just moved.
Your apartment living lifestyle can be tough when it comes to meeting and finding new friends. With a dog you can use them as an icebreaker and let them help you meet new people. The best part is if you don’t feel like you’re clicking with someone you can blame the dog and say you need to keep on walking before he gets bored.
In short- use your dog to help you meet people. It’s a good way to build up relationships while on walks or at the dog park. It’s one more way you’ll be able to be less isolated and all because you decided to get a dog even while living in an apartment.
5. You May Get To Live Out A Childhood Dream
Did you grow up wanting a pet? Sometimes you have to wait until you’re out on your own before you can make those types of dreams a reality. In this case, owning a dog while living in an apartment can be a way you’re making one of those dreams come true. Your apartment is your own place and that means the rules are yours to make.
If you have always wanted a dog, go for it. Get yourself a four-legged buddy. Again, just make sure you’re getting the right dog for your lifestyle and apartment. Talk with other pet owners or the shelter and see what dogs they recommend for you. Don’t take the first dog you see just because he’s cute. You want the one that’s right for you so you don’t have to deal with any mishaps.
Owning a dog while living in an apartment can be a great thing. Just make sure you’re doing everything you should when it comes to picking the right dog for you. Pick a dog that suits not only your living space but your level of activity. Then, remember to enjoy everything that comes with owning a dog. It’s going to be great, for both of you!