4 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Cockroaches At Home

4 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Cockroaches At Home

Kill The Roaches, Not Your Health


There are a lot of ways to get rid of cockroaches in the home, some of them are better than others. Certainly, you could fumigate, but that’s going to leave a toxic residue throughout your home, and then you’ve got to leave for a few days—it’s inconvenient all around. Thankfully, there are ways to get rid of roaches naturally, cost-effectively, and safely. We’ll explore four here.


  1. Baking Soda And Sugar


Mix sugar and baking soda in equal parts and put it where the roaches are. They’ll eat it, and the baking soda will have a reaction with their digestive system that kills them. Keep putting this mixture down until the roaches disappear. This is a safe solution, and shouldn’t toxically affect children or pets.


  1. Spray The Blighters With Fabric Softener


Fabric softener can be a roach’s worst nightmare, but you can’t just put this down in corners. You’ll have to get a bottle of the stuff and go throughout the house spraying them down before they can escape. Between this and baking soda, you can effect heavy casualties on the roach hordes all by yourself in one day.


  1. An Unpleasant For Roaches: Ground Bay Leaves


Bay leaves smell good to people, and they taste pretty good when properly prepared, as well. But roaches can’t stand them. Grind up some bay leaves into a powder and place it where the roaches come, and where you expect them to go. Do this for a while and you’ll repel them. Try to put the mixture wherever there are entries or exits.


  1. Lemon Peels, Lemon Juice, Diatomaceous Earth


Citrus repels roaches, especially from lemons. Put the lemon juice and lemon peels wherever you find roaches. You’ll have to clean up periodically, but a collateral bonus here is that you make the house smell fine and clean. Lemon scents are associated with freshness, generally. So you get two things done at once with this remedy.


Alternatively, DE, or Diatomaceous Earth, is essentially fossilized plankton. This fossilized plankton is full of very tiny crystals, and when roaches ingest it, the result is that the crystals tear up their insides and eventually kill them. While a natural solution, you’re using the same strategy as that involved with the baking soda. Which is best for you depends on your preferences.


Natural Remedies


Whatever you plan to do, it’s wise to get rid of roaches as soon as you can. These pests, beyond being frightening, are a sign of garbage and decay and are even known to carry diseases. Here’s a handy guide to help you determine additional means by which you can get rid of roaches in a natural way.


Regardless of which alternatives most appeal to you here, you want to totally clean your house before and after applying these solutions for the best results. Roaches generally develop owing to a lack of cleanliness or local infrastructural degradation.


If you’re in an apartment, you may only be able to repel them with varying means. However, if you’re in a residence, then there’s likely some rot somewhere attracting the pests. Cleaning in a deep and total sense helps you locate that which makes your property attractive to the roaches, and destroy it.


Cockroaches At Home


Natural Remedies


You can be free of roaches, and you can do it inside a few days or weeks. You can even do it naturally, and this is likely going to be your best option—though it may take a little more work than the chemical route.