10 Fitness Myths Busted Through Research

Think you know a thing or two about fitness? You would be surprised to find out how many conventional ideas about fitness are just myths.
Frankly, it is quite easy to get misguided; most of these myths are so deeply rooted that you will hear them from friends, instructors, and many other people. However, today we are going to set the record straight.
I am going to tell you about the ten most common fitness myths that are busted through science and research. So, get ready to change your perspective about fitness.
Myth # 1: The best time to work out is early in the morning:
You may have heard this myth from many people, but it is entirely wrong. The time of the workout doesn’t matter; the real thing to focus on is consistency. So, the best time to work out for you is the time that allows you to train the most consistently.
Ideally, you should create a daily habit of exercising. Therefore, you like to go for the run early in the morning, that’s great, but there is nothing wrong with hitting the gym late at night or in the afternoon. Just find a time that goes best with your schedule and stick to it.
Myth # 2: Weight training can turn your fat into muscle:
This is a widespread myth among bodybuilders. You may have heard some say that they are bulking up so that they can turn their fat into muscle.
Well, the truth is that there is no way you can turn fat into muscle; they are entirely different kinds of tissue. What weight training does is build your muscles by creating micro-tears, which fill up with proteins as the muscle heals and hence becomes denser.
Though exercise does help in burning fat, the best way to achieve a healthy body is to follow a nutritious and healthy diet that incorporates lean proteins, whole grains, and vegetables along with your training.
Myth # 3: Sit-ups are the best core training exercise:
Building up core strength is an ambition for many people. Some do it to get six-pack abs, while others may do it to lose belly fat, but one certain thing is that sit-ups aren’t the most efficient way for either.
Sit-ups only target your abdominal muscles, whereas planks work several muscles along with your core. Still, there isn’t anyone exercise that will get you abs and a strong core. The best thing to do is to combine different core exercises like crunches, planks, Russian twists, and V-ups to get the best results.
Myth # 4: women shouldn’t do weight training:
The truth is that weight training has nothing to do with gender, and it is equally beneficial for both men and women. However, there is a public perception that if women start weight training, they will look masculine. Of course there are women who want to look big and muscular, there are many in the Canadian Physique Alliance. But you don’t have to look like that if you don’t want to. It can all be controlled through diet and workout techniques.
Weight training can have various advantages for women. Most importantly, it can strengthen their joints, tendons, and muscles, decreasing the risk of diseases like osteoporosis later on. Moreover, women don’t build muscle as quickly as men, because of the lack of testosterone; therefore, if you are concerned about getting buff, you should be too worried.
Myth # 5: It takes two weeks to lose fitness:
For most people, even one week of complete rest can start noticeable de-conditioning. Though muscles do not break down that quickly, you can feel a significant decrease in cardio and stamina. Moreover, fat can begin to build up within one week of rest.
So, when it comes to fitness, it is pretty much a matter of “use it or lose it.”
Myth # 6: Taking breaks now and then is the best way to recover
When you are working out regularly, you need to improve as well, especially if you are lifting weight and training your muscles. Most people think that simple rest is enough for recovery, but in reality, various methods can be employed for a better and more speedy recovery.
Massage therapy is a beneficial recovery technique that you can utilize after every workout if you have a massage chair. You might be wondering how do massage chairs work? Well, they can increase your blood flow, which aids healing, and they can also help decrease inflammation in sore muscles. You can check the linked post for a more detailed account of the working of massage chairs.
Myth # 7: The best way to rehydrate after a workout is sport drinks
Hydration is essential when you are working out, and where water on its own doesn’t do the job right, neither do most sports drinks. Instead, you should consider adding some pink Himalayan salt to your drinking water and have a high protein snack after working out.
Myth # 8: Working out once or twice a week is enough:
The truth is, consistency is essential if you want to reap the benefits of exercise, experts suggest that you should work out for a minimum of three days a week to stay fit, however, if you can get up to 5 days, then it is even better.
Your goal should be to make a habit out of exercising.
Myth # 9: Yoga can help you fight back pain:
This myth has some truth to it, but it is often misunderstood. Yoga can be helpful in the case of certain kinds of back pain, but for others, it can be damaging and painful. For instance, if your back pain is muscle-related, then specific stretches can help relieve pain, and build up core strength, however, if your back is hurting because of issues like a ruptured disc, or weak joints, yoga is not that helpful.
If you do have any back problems, you should always consult your doctor before starting yoga or any other workout routine.
Myth # 10: Exercise alone is enough for fitness:
I have heard many people say that they eat whatever they want because they can burn it off in the gym. This strategy is not right. Many studies have shown that diet and workout supplements are as important as exercise when it comes to losing weight and staying fit.
Though one cheat meal now and then is alright, you should maintain a healthy diet along with exercise for proper fitness.