10 Expected Side Effects After a Facelift Surgery

Are you experiencing aging signs such as wrinkles, creases, sagging skin on the neck, and you would like to get rid of them? Do you have folds of excess fat deposits on your face or your jawline, and would you like to restore your skin to a more youthful appearance? Well, do not worry, as the facelift procedure will address the appearance or quality of the skin itself.
A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to alter age-related changes such as skin folds, wrinkles, excess skin at your lower jowls, sagging skin, among other skin irregularities. People who have challenges with aging effects often prefer undergoing this procedure.
Although facelift is regarded relatively safe, just like any other surgical procedure, there are risks and side effects of this procedure. However, these side effects are not permanent as they diminish as time progresses and pose no danger to your recovery. Some of the potential side effects after facelift surgery include:
1. Pain
Like any other procedure, patients who undergo facelift surgery experience pain for approximately 2 to 4 days. There will be mild to moderate pain which follows after the surgery. You may have challenges opening your mouth for some days, and the skin around the cut will be numb. Pain may be challenging to the system and may lead to an extended recovery time if not managed.
Your face, neck, and chest may develop bruises and swells, which may become terrible before healing. Pain and itching may escalate as the feeling returns, but it disappears after one or two weeks. However, the pain can be managed through a pain medication prescribed by your plastic surgeon. If pain persists, you need to seek medical attention.
2. Scarring
A scar is a mark that appears on the face after you have undergone surgery or an incision. A Facelift surgical procedure involves making a cut under the chin and on the face to tighten the face’s deeper tissues and the entire skin. Since facelifting is highly invasive, scarring must be present after the procedure.
After the procedure, the area around the cut turns pink for a few months before becoming less conspicuous. The incision scars are permanent, but they will camouflage since they are covered by the hairline and the face and ear’s natural lines. If you want to enhance the scars’ appearance, you can sign in for injections of corticosteroid medications or other treatments as prescribed by your plastic surgeon.
3. Hematoma
Hematoma is the accumulation of blood out of the blood vessels into the nearby tissues. When a patient undergoes surgery, a blood vessel experiences an injury, leaving the affected area extremely swollen.
Hematoma is the most popular challenge experienced during facelift surgery. Unfortunately, there are no obvious signs and symptoms pointed out to distinguish patients with higher chances of postoperative hematoma.
Since a facelift involves a surgical procedure, blood may form under the skin, causing swelling and pressure. If the hematoma is not given immediate attention, it may damage the skin and other tissues. More than 15% of patients who undergo facelift surgery must develop considerable expanding hematomas.
4. Bruising and Swelling
Bruising and swelling are common side effects following facelift surgery. After going through facelift surgery, patients experience major swelling on their bodies. Before gaining full recovery, swelling may get worse, but it will subside as time progresses.
Swelling is caused by the formation of fluids around the incision area. Swelling and bruising can make people develop some numbness, tingling, and tightness. Any considerable swelling will heal in the months after your facelift.
Bruising also occurs, especially in the neck and eye areas, immediately after the facelift procedure. Bruising is the body’s natural response to the changes taking place, and it is a result of damaged blood vessels and capillaries. Bruising may take less than three weeks to subside, but patients may record marked improvement every day. However, it will take several months for a patient to gain full recovery from bruises.
5. Infections
An overwhelming majority of patients who undergo facelift surgery develop methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection or Mycobacterium chelonae in their recovery process. The infection may affect the treatment area and the soft tissues. MRSA is more dangerous and spreads faster than other forms of staph infections. It may become costly to treat if not controlled, and it is linked to more death rates.
You may have developed an infection if you start experiencing redness, sensitivity, inflammation, or localized heat. However, apart from MRSA and other major infections, minor infections can be treated with antibiotics.
6. Negative Reactions to Anesthesia
Facelift surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the procedure. However, some individuals may experience negative reactions due to the anesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, or general sickness. The effects of anesthesia are, however, short-lived, and they subside completely after a few hours.
7. Facial Nerve Injury
Most surgical procedures are associated with temporary nerve damage, but they can become permanent if not well treated. Like other surgical procedures, facelift surgery may cause temporary injuries to the nerves that control facial muscles. Injuries to the nerves that control sensation can lead to a dented facial appearance or short-term loss of sensation that can last up to 12 months.
8. Skin and Hair Loss
Face-lift is normally associated with temporary or permanent hair loss around the treatment area. A facelift involves making incisions that make the skin tightened, leading to hair loss. Patients may also experience skin loss, but this is more common in smokers.
9. Bleeding
Although this is a common challenge during facelift surgery, some patients may experience excessive bleeding, which can even cause death. Uncontrolled bleeding needs immediate medical attention.
10. Discolored Skin
Skin discoloration is normal after a facelift, but it diminishes as time passes. If you undergo a facelift and experience discolored skin, you should not worry, as this is a potential part of the healing process.
Facts About Face-lift Procedure
Most people have undergone successful facelift surgery and have recorded positive outcomes. As much as the procedure is associated with risks and complications, there are more success stories than negative side effects. If you want to know more about facelift surgery, you can schedule a consultation with our experienced Newport Beach facelift surgeon as he will help to monitor your healing progress and will give a deeper understanding of the surgery.