10 Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil For Great Health

The hemp plant has huge range of uses with one of those being an incredible source of nutrients. The hemp seeds specifically are jammed packed with goodness, making them one of the latest superfoods to hit the market in a big way. From hemp seeds, an oil can be cold pressed out, much like the way olive oil is made. Using every part of the plant is important. Companies like Hem Mills are taking full use of the hemp plant to create fabrics for a range of different uses.
As hemp seed oil comes from hemp seeds, it has little to no THC, the molecule that is responsible for the famous ‘high’. The growing number of health benefits attributed to hemp seed oil has seen it not only excel as a stand-alone product, but you’ll now find it in skin care products, snack foods, pet products, and more.
So far, research suggests hemp seed oils benefits are largely attributed, but not limited to to the high vitamin and mineral content, the essential fatty acids, and the high levels of GLA (gamma-linoleic acid). Some of the benefits of hemp seed oil include:
Improved Hormone Balance
The GLA present in hemp seed oil is used for the synthesis of prostaglandins, which are compounds much like hormones that contribute to many functions of the body. As researchers have found out, GLA supplementation may improve hormone health and reduce PMS symptoms such as cramps. There is also subjective evidence that hemp seed oil may reduce breast tenderness, swelling and feeling of irritability.
For older women going through menopause, the GLA in hemp seed oil may help reduce symptoms like hot flashes and depression with studies showing it also doesn’t create any negative side effects.
Improve Heart Health
There are a number of ways that hemp seed oil can help improve heart health. Firstly, hemp seed oil contains high levels of the essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6 in a perfectly balanced 3:1 ratio. These essential fatty acids can help reduce cholesterol levels due to their β-sitosterols content and that helps prevents heart disease.
With the high GLA content, hemp seed oil is rich in lipase, an enzyme which can be a great treatment for the break down of plaque that has built up in cell membranes and blood vessels. Hemp seed oil is also high in arginine, an amino acid used in the body to make nitric oxide which is responsible for relaxes and dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow. Highly levels of nitric oxide is associated with reduced blood pressure and a reduction in heart disease.
The GLA is also responsible for some anti-inflammatory affects, impacting not only the heart but the whole body.
Pain Relief
People are using hemp seed oil topically and orally as natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Subjective evidence suggests hemp seed oil can provide a low level of pain relief when rubbed into sore joints from inflammation. As more research is done into hemp seed oil, it may play a larger role in targeted pain relief for certain types of pain.
Improve Brain Function
Essential fatty acids found in hemp seed oil have been linked to improved memory and slowing down age related cognitive decline. Hemp seed oil also contains small amounts of cannabinoids which have been found to ease anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder.
Enhance Hair Growth
Hemp seed oil can help add moisture and nutrients into hair, helping it grow and grow thicker and healthier. Some evidence shows applying hemp seed oil directly to the scalp can help reduce dryness, dandruff and itchiness.
Improves Weight Loss
It is the gamma linoleic acid found in hemp seed oil that is largely responsible for assisting in weight loss. GLA has been shown to act as a natural appetite suppressant and reduce sugar cravings, helping you take in less calories over time. A study found people take GLA for a year after losing a significant amount of weight, regained less than the control group.
Improves Skin Health
Hemp seed oil is very easily absorbed into the skin, acting as a great moisturiser packed with nutrients key for skin health. It acts like a food for the skin, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, making it a very popular carrier oil for other skin healing products.
It can also help alleviate skin conditions such as eczema, acne, itchy skin. With the nutrients from the oil helping to strengthen and improve the quality of the skin, it enhances the skins ability to resist viral, bacterial and fungal infections.
Powerful Anti-inflammatory
The gamma linoleic acid found in hemp seed oil is known for its ability to fight inflammation. For people who suffer from inflammatory diseases like arthritis and multiple sclerosis (MS), hemp seed oil could be beneficial. A study into people with MS were given hemp seed oil and had their symptoms improve. It could also play a role in fibromyalgia treatment but this needs further research.
Beneficial for Pregnancy
The essential fatty acids found in hemp seed oil have been linked with a range of benefits for growing foetuses. A study found that optimal intake of fatty acids is crucial during pregnancy since it is one of the building blocks of a developing brain and retina. They can also help prevent perinatal depression, a preterm delivery and enhance the baby’s lifelong health.
Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
Diabetes is strongly linked to an unbalanced intake of essential fatty acids while hemp seed oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids. The oil may work as a good supplemental treatment to help manage diabetes however more research is required.
Hemp seed oil is an incredible addition to any diet. While nutrient content of food is diminishing due to cheap processed foods and poor farming practices, little things like adding hemp seed oil to enrich a meal could be a great boost to your health. With the list of benefits growing constantly, it’s an extremely health oil that should be used daily to enhance the nutrient content of your food.