Things to Know About Caravan Fridges
If you have a caravan, then you must buy a few appliances that are a must haves for ensuring your convenience. There are different kinds of caravan fridges available in the market and you need to choose the one that suits your need. Mostly people use two way and three-way caravan fridges and both of them have different set of advantages.
- 2way caravan fridges: These fridges cannot provide cooling, but they can eliminate the heats from insider of the fridge and keep the fridge cool. In this case, cold cannot be created, but due to lack of heat, you will get the cold temperature inside the fridge. This can be done by liquid to gas or back to liquid process. 2-way compressor fridges compress the vapor and transform them into liquid form. These fridges can be operated with the electricity and you can also operate a few 2-way fridges with 12V power capacity.
- 3-way caravan fridges: these fridges are known as absorption refrigerators and these fridges can provide you the coolness by the cycling of ammonia, water and hydrogen gas. You can operate these gasses up to 12V to 240V, and residential fridges are mostly designed with this system.
Tips to choose the best caravan fridges:
- If you want to use your caravan for traveling purpose and go for free camping, then you can choose the gas operated 3-way caravan fridges. You can easily run this fridge for a few weeks with a 9kg gas bottle. But these fridges are less efficient than compressor fridges because after using the gas in these fridges, if you connect them with 12V power then they will generate less coolness than 2-way fridges.
- 3-way fridges are designed with AES or automatic energy selection system and they can easily select the best energy source automatically. For example, when you drive your caravan, the 3-way caravan fridge can drag the energy from your car battery, and when you park your caravan, it will start taking energy from gas bottle. 3-way caravan fridges can easily detect the running mode of your caravan and it will automatically stop when you park your caravan in a safe place. So, these fridges will not drain out the massive power from the battery of the caravan.
- But if you have a good battery capacity or solar panels on your caravan then you must go for 3-way fridges because they are more efficient than 2-way fridges. You can easily run this fridge with minimum power consumption level and they can run smoothly with 12V energy.
- Apart from that, the absorption power of the 3-way caravan fridges can decrease its cooling capacity. They cannot provide utmost cooling temperature at high ambient locations. They are available in limited editions and they can absorb the temperature from outside and decrease the cooling effects during summer.
- In this regard, it is better to buy the compressor fridge for your caravan and 2-way compressor fridges do not get influenced by the outside temperature. They can remain same in any weather condition. If you are planning to spend much time with your caravan in hotter areas, then you must choose the compressor caravan fridges.
- 3-way caravan fridges are silent, and they do not create any noise inside the caravan. These fridges do not have any moving part and they can increase the airflow of the fans through thermostat. But compressor caravan fridges can create some noise and you can turn them off during sleep.
Conclusion – If you want to install a 3-way caravan fridge then you need to install proper ventilation source because these fridges can generate a large amount of heat that needs to ventilate properly. But you can easily install the compressor fridges in your caravan with a power plug.