Importance of Furniture in Interior Design

For many homes, interior design and furniture are almost synonymous. While not entirely correct, both terms have similar traits that make many to believe they are one and the same. To put it into perspective, furniture is to interior design as the paint is into painting. One is only a small piece of a much larger concept. Interior design can exist without having much to do with furniture but furniture would be pointless without interior design. So how are the two different? And how are they related? Let’s find out.
Interior Design Basics
If you ask a layperson what interior design is all about, many would say that it involves designing the inside of any building, whether a residential or commercial space. But for interior designers, their role as mere decorators is only one piece of the puzzle.
Interior design has more to do with how we interact with space. Designers are trained to optimize a space for our needs, whether work, play, rest, and even heal. They find creative and ingenious solutions in maximizing the space, making it functional, impacting that quality of life of its occupants, and aesthetically pleasing.
Interior design works best with the design of the building, often working hand in hand during the planning stage. For this reason, the most common collaboration is that of an architect and an interior designer. The architect is in charge of creating the shell and the designers are tasked at giving it life and purpose.
For as long as humanity has existed, we have had furniture to serve many purposes. Furniture refers to an object that can be moved and made for various human activities. They serve an almost unlimited function from sitting, sleeping, eating, and relaxing. Many furniture pieces are also used for showcasing various objects as well as a means of storage. There are also other pieces whose main purpose is for decoration.
Historical artifacts have also shown that many types of furniture throughout history hold a lot of symbolism culturally and religiously. It is through some of these artifacts that we owe our understanding of how people of a hundred years ago lived their lives. Furniture has also helped to broaden our understanding of different cultures and tradition.
Interior Design and Furniture
Like mentioned previously, interior design and furniture are deeply connected. Furniture is the primary tool for designers to make a space functional. With so many styles of furniture available in the market today, it is the task of the designers to rightfully select the ones that fit the need and want of their clients in order to create a space that they will enjoy.
Gone are the days that furnishings only serve a specific purpose. Chairs were only made for seating, tables for eating, bed for sleeping, and on and on. Now, many people are concerned not just with the furniture in their space but how they interact and look together. There is greater importance now in choosing furniture that’s beautiful to look at the same time serving a function.
Role of Furniture in Interior Spaces
It can be said that furniture pieces play quite a significant role inside all buildings. While other aspects of interior design contribute to the overall look and feel of the room, it is the furniture that really gives the space life, making it a comfortable space for people to work, play, relax, and generally live.
It completes a home
Entering an empty building exudes an eery feeling as if it is devoid of purpose and meaning. To trained eyes of a designer, such spaces present an opportunity to create. They visualize all the possible ways they can bring life, soul, and color into a building, home or office space therein lays the true purpose of the furniture. Without it, a building is just an empty shell, and without the building, a piece of furniture would have no purpose. Both their existence is dependent on one another.
It defines the look
We all have this idea in our head how our own space should look. Whether it be traditional or modern, industrial or cozy, we revel in imagining how our ideal space would look. Bringing that dream to reality relies heavily on the kinds of furniture we chose. Each one should be carefully selected not only to complement the space but complement the other pieces already inside. Would mid century modern furniture go with the contemporary pieces on the other room? Should you stick to one color scheme or bring in accent pieces in bold patterns or bold colors? These are only some of the questions that designers and homeowners alike grapple with in trying to bring to fruition their ideal look for space.
It is a permanent ornament to the home
Most often than not, the furniture we put into our home stays with us for quite a long time, sometimes even outlasting us. Save for a few select people, we can’t really afford to keep redecorating our space so we tend to stick with what we have. With this idea in mind, it is crucial that the furniture we choose should be able to outlast any existing trend or fad in interior design. It should look unique without being dated. And most of all, it should be durable enough to withstand daily use.
It dictates the flow of movement
Not only is it important to select the right kind of furniture for any space, but we should also consider how their placements are. It helps to imagine how people move about in a room. In most offices, there should be a clear, unobstructed path to various areas around the building. In homes, furniture should block the flow of movement from one room to the next. People should not be traversing across one area just to get to the next one. So groups of furniture should be sectioned off correctly to create an unimpeded flow.
Spark of joy
Finally, furniture pieces should bring you joy and comfort. They’re not there merely to serve as decorative pieces. They are put there to serve a purpose. A gorgeous couch should be comfortable enough to lounge in, a magnificent dining set should be used for a family gathering, and a beautiful shelf should hold treasured items and beloved books.
Author Bio:
Sarah Brooks is a passionate blogger and informative content who loves to write about home improvement, remodeling, and restoration. She is currently working with EMFURN, one of the leading retailers of inspired mid century modern furniture, modern furniture, and industrial furniture.